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Leica World Magazine at Classic Camera

leica ron

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I was happy to find the latest version of Leica World (Fall 2004) on

my last visit to Classic Camera in London. They charged me GBP 12

for the latest issue.


On Friday I was at the Photographer's Gallery near Leicester Square

and saw the Spring 2004 edition in their bookshop, I picked it up at

the cover price of GBP 9.


I suppose that I had to pay Classic Camera a GBP 3 fondling fee for

touching the MP demo model that was on display ...

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They've got to make a living! especially as with their attitude they can't be selling much real equipment.


The idea of this shop is very good but the way they treat customers [ or potential customers] is lamentable.





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"Support the little guy"


I'm all for that Dr.Knapp, but the price on the cover of the magazine (as set by Leica themselves) is GBP 9.


I didn't need GBP 3 worth of help finding the pile of magazines on the counter ...


Now, if he spent an hour with me selecting which M3 or M2 to select, then I'd gladly pay him a GBP 20 premium for his service ...

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Hmmm, the front of the latest edition (with HCB on it) still says GBP 9. If the price did go up, I withdraw this rant.


To be honest, even if their prices are high, they share an appreciation of Leica that few other stores do. Can't be a bad thing, eh ?


It won't stop me from visiting on my yearly trips to England, I'm like a kid in a candy store (a kid without enough pocket money, but that's another story ...).

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Classic Camera seem to have an unenviable knack of winding

customers up. I've bought stuff off them in the past but always

reluctantly - usually when they have been the only stockist of

something that I need at the time. To be fair to them, they have

never really said or done anything whilst I've been in the shop

that I could specifically point to that could properly justify my

enmity towards them. I guess it could be the patronising tone

they adopt whenever you ask them about something but you can

get that from salespeople in any store. As odd as it may sound, I

think what gets up my nose most about Classic Camera is the

fact that the sales staff are always sitting down behind their

counter when you come in - and they stay sitting on their arses

unless they have to fetch something that they can't reach from

where they are sitting. Virtually every other shop I go in, the staff

are either standing up already or they get up to greet you as you

come in.

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They are arrogant and don't have a clue about the very simple concept of

"friendly customer service". Who would want to deal with such condescending wankers?


They don't represent what Leica stands. Which for me is class and quality. They sure don't

act classy, and their service quality sucks.


Alternative Leica shops like MW Classic and AperturePhoto are a quantum leap forward:

friendly, fair and honest.


Classic Camera don't deserve the business quite frankly.

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