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wide angle lense for leica R


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I have never owned a wide angle lense and was

wondering if anyone had any suggestions (from the

15mm to the 28mm for the leica R7. If you could aldo

tell me prices that would be helpful. I will be shooting

both architecture and people.

I also want to thank everyone for their answers

to my previous questions.

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Andy here is my 02$ worth, I have the 15 through 28 they all are very good lenses., The 15 in my opinion is excellent for all the right reasons for architecture and for interior room great. When you use the 15 then the 21 and 28 become a secondary lens if not useless. Borrow or rent one and try it. Ebuy has had a couple of 15's last month or so, one will popup. I a 21 is up for sale. Your 90, 135 and 180 f4 are very good people lenses..How do you like the R7 I have one and haven't used it, its still in the box?
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When considering lenses for architecture, and especially when considering a 28mm, give some thought to the 28mm PC lens. As you probably know, it allows you to photograph building exteriors so that the vertical lines remain vertical in the picture, and not converging at the top to cause that "falling over backwards" look.
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Anything wider than 28mm on 135 film format I consider to be "ultra wide".


Personally, I find 15mm field of view to be a little too extreme and unwieldy for my tastes,

I prefer the longer 20-24mm range. It's easier to work with and still plenty wide.



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i use a 21mm Super-Angulon R on my leicaflex sl, had it for about 30 years..it's probably my favorite lens on that camera...


as far distortion on architecture images when the lens is not held parallel to the subject..i have recently begun scanning slides into photoshop, and using the "image".."transform" function to take distorted images and "undistort" them...with 4000dpi scans of slides or negatives, the images end up looking superb after you manipulate them in photoshop.


ain't technology great!

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I have a 15 for my R, but unlike my M on which I usually stick the dinky Heliar in my bag just in case, I don't care to lug the 15-R around if I don't specifically know I'm going to need it. I basically bought it because if there should be a DMR in my future someday, I know I'll never afford the 15/2.8 so I grabbed a 15/3.5 when I found one. My widest in-use lens is the 21mm which I find to be an excellent lens and not heavy or cumbersome and I got a 72mm UV filter to fit it to protect the dome-shaped front element from cleaning marks. On my 15mm I had to get a plastic lenscap for the Contax version of the same lens, cut out the front part leaving just the slip-on rim, and glue a Series 93 UV filter to it. It vignettes some on the R8 at full frame but with the 1.37 DMR crop it shouldn't. My next widest lens is the 28mm end of the 28-70 zoom. I found it to be better out to the corners than the type-1 28 Elmarit I borrowed from a friend, plus it gives me infinite composition between 28 and about 40mm where the pincushion distortion starts to rear its ugly head. Next I've got the 35 Summicron type-2 which IMO is a great lens. I can use 21 and 35 and 70-210 and be quite happy.
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15 is point & shoot lens even when wide open, no need to bother with precise focusing, which is difficult with this lens because depth of field is so great. Just aim the lens, compose & press the shutter, resulting picture will surprise you.


It is amazingly sharp & renders great contrast.


Perspective distortion is acceptable if one does not tilt the lens too extreme degree.


Build quality is flawless, probably outlast 2-3 or more generations.


Use of Grid screen helps a lot to appreciate the distortion & control them.


This is either you like it or hate it kind of lens. Dome shaped front element is vulnerable to rain, finger print, finger poke, wave sprays, etc, need extra caution to protect it.

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