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Dilemma: 20D with 70-200 F4 or D70 with 80-200 F2.8

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I would appreciate any comments on which kit is better. I have a

$2000 budget. Which of the two kit in your opinion would serve me



20D with basic kit lens($1500) + 70-200 F4(~$600)=$2100 ... and

another lens to replace the kit lens but not in the near future.


or D70 with kit($1050) + 80-200 F2.8 AFD($700 after rebate)=$ 1750


Now I have read a lot of these reviews but I am still not sure what

to get. So I ask you to shed some light on this and help me sleep

better at night. :-)) I placed an order for 20D and am second

guessing myself continually.


In my view D70 has accurate exposure and good flash performance(Three

flash modes and sync speed advantage). Also the ability to use SB 800


Though there is a problem with blown highlights sometimes. How much

of a problem is it?? Also the best nikon flash for digital (SB800) is

cheaper than the best Canon Flash.


Now I hear 20D is better. Better noise performance, usable 3200 ISO.

Forgiving in highlights etc.


Let me also say that I intend to keep the camera I get for the next

two to three years atleast(i.e. if it is Nikon, otherwise even

longer). Also I do not care about 5fps speed. Now my question is - Is

it that much better to pay such a premium. I would obviously like to

get the 20D if it is better. Some people insist dust is a lesser

problem with CMOS sensor in 20D.


Is it worth paying the premium for 20D and why? Because getting the

Nikon would save me a lot of money. People say they are apples and

oranges I would like to know why they are apples and oranges. I just

want to understand better what I am getting. If we discount the

higher fps speed and the build then how do these two compare.


Also it is said that it is better to spend more on a lens than the

camera. (And of course if you have good technique nothing like it.)


Whichever kit I get will be my travel kit also. I know the Nikon zoom

is heavier and bigger. I intend to carry it in a backpack. Is it

impractical ?


The Canon 70-200 f4 does not come with a tripod collar. This lens

supposedly has back focus issue with canon digital slrs If I get a

tripod collar for it then it costs as much as the nikon 80-200 2.8 AFD


Maybe it may seem trivial. But this is a major decision for me and I

want get it right. So any thoughts inputs would be highly appreciated

from you knowledgeable folks.

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seriously look at which system you feel will suit your needs the most. which camera has the features you want/slash demand. is the extra stop really important to you on that nikon lens? if you want the lighter f4 L lens, why are you concerned about the lens collar? start asking questions like that and im sure you will come to a decision you will be happy with.
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I believe the canon 70-200 f4 does in fact come with a tripod collar that is removable. I can't speak too much to the rest of your post (I am looking at a 20D precisely because of the f4 L lenses that I like), except to say that a 80-200 2.8 is a lot to lug around--I hike my gear on overnight backpacking trips so this is a concern. Nikon has no f4 alternative for that range, although Canon has nothing equivalent to the 12-24 f4, which is a great lens--what are your going to do...






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I have the 20D and a 70-200 L F4 and I've had no issues with it. The lens is about 8" in length and is actually as light as the 28-200mm Canon lens (non-L) (about 700g). It does not come with the collar, but if you are looking for lightweight, why would you want the collar? The lens is short enough and light enough to use the camera mount for the tripod.


I don't know a great deal about the D70, but I have heard that it compares more to the 300D (digital rebel) and not the 20D. With that in mind, I can tell you that I owned a 300D and you can't hardly compare the two cameras. It is simply two different worlds.

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I have the 10D and a nice kit of lenses, including the 70-200/4L. No, it doesn't come with

the tripod collar, that's one of the ways they keep the price down. The tripod collar is a bit

overpriced ... There's another model tripod collar from Canon which fits identically and is

about $30, works fine as long as you don't care that it's black instead of a matching cream

white color.


The 70-200/4L is a superb lens. Light, compact, and very very sharp. I've had zero

problems with it on the 10D body; I don't expect there would be any issues with the 20D

body either. I hear a lot of whinging and whining about 10D focus issues but my camera

seems to exhibit none of them ... don't know what to think about that ... but the 20D

supposedly has a substantially improved focus system anyway.


Now, as to the D70 vs 20D ... Well, I went with the 10D because I prefer the layout and feel

of Canon bodies these days, find their lens line to be more to my liking (quality wise,

Nikon and Canon lenses are very comparable from consumer grade to the pro grade

offerings, but Canon has some specific offerings that Nikon doesn't which suit me better).

The 10D and 20D bodies are made of much nicer stuff than the D70 and feel great;

whether that amounts to a hill of beans in the long run is difficult to say. I'd pick the 20D

on the strength of its low light/high ISO capabilities and somewhat greater resolution

capability as well.


Flash ... Well, most of my flash work is done with manual flash units and a flash meter, but

you can always get the Sigma clone of the?Canon 550EX which works identically and costs

about half as much.


Good luck!



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A 70 / 80-200 is hardly the general purpose first lens you should be getting with either

camera. Start with a 24 or 28mm prime, then get a 50, then worry about telephoto.


Back focus issues are quite rare, and often folks who think they have them haven't a clue

as to how DOF works.


The real question is "Nikon or Canon?" not "D70 vs 20D".

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I have a D70 and like it but the 20D is a better camera. If Nikon does not come out with a replacement for the D70 in six months, I will probably get the 20D and use my D70 as a back-up. Can't help you on the lenses because I don't have either one.
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The 70-200 f/4 Canon lens is light and an exceptionally sharp lens.

See attached photo. It does not come with a tripod collar, but you can purchase one for about $100. If you intend to make prints no bigger than 11"x14" either camera will work well. The 20D has more pixels, less noise and IMO is capable of much bigger prints, 13"x19" and even bigger than the D70. It's sensor and electronics are 1 generation ahead of the D70 and it shows in large photos. It can also shoot 5 frames/sec versus 3 for the D70. This could make a difference if you shoot fast moving subects. If you don't this won't matter. Try each camera if you can to see if you like the feel and viewfinder. Good luck!<div>00AT3k-20946484.jpg.1f45643aa2ac4ac126c0de7368622e5b.jpg</div>

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Please can we put the tale of the 70-200f4 focus problem to rest. There isn't an issue, anymore than with any other lens, there is one notable issue with our good Photo-Net friend Puppy Face, his lens doesn't have a backfocus issue, but appears to have a misaligned element, which when used on his 10d shows a focus issue at one side. You can do a search of the site, then read ALL the relevant posts.


I doubt if you'll often find the Nikon 2.8 lens near the same price as the Canon f4, the Canon and Nikon 2.8 lenses are similarly priced, and Nikon don't do a range of quality f4 lenses.


As regards the d70 vs 20d debate, here's one I just wrote and it works fine for me;


The deciding factor should be the entire system, if you take up this hobby seriously, the money you're spending on this body is insignficant, once you've bought a bag full of quality lenses, a couple of flashguns, tripod, bag, 2nd body (actually an upgrade from the 1st, so the 1st becomes a 2nd), then a further upgrade body, then some specialist kit for your chosen field (ie Macro lens, ringflash), then you just might wish you'd chosen a different system.


Research the system, have a play with the 20d and the D70. then the D2x and 1d MkII, then the decision will be better balanced.

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I have the 70-200/4L and it is an exceptional lens. Very sharp, while being light and compact, with nice construction. Great for travel! I highly recommend it. If you want to get a tripod collar for it, get the Canon Tripod Collar A (black). It costs less than the Canon Tripod Collar A (white). But I never got a tripod collar for my 70-200/4L because I didn't think it needed one because it's so light. For a heavier lens, you definitely need a tripod collar to support the weight of the lens, but that's not the case with the 70-200/4L. And by the way, I've had no focus issues with the 70-200/4L on my 10D or 20D.
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