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What will I purchase???

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Recently I purchased R4 SLR camera and I am looking for 50 mm

Summicron R for it. Yesterday I have been offered one of these

lenses, made in Canada with build-in hood. All points to second

version of Summicron, but serial # on it is 2777958. According to

kbcamera.com this is still first version.

Could someone help me verify correct version of these lens.

Thank you in advance.


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Hi Henryk,

Sartorius lists the current E55 (non-rom) version 50 Summicron-R beginning with #2777651. Your offered lens is the current version with built-in hood and E55 filter size. The 50 Summicron-R is an excellent lens. If you need any other Leica R lenses I just happen to have several listed below in an FS listing including a 50 Summicron-R. I am in the U.S. on the west coast which may or may not be convenient for you. Good luck and enjoy your R4.

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as other have said - this is a current version, 2 cam, 50/2 lens.<p>

See my <a href="http://members.aol.com/dcolucci/b.htm">R Lens Price Guide...</a> <p>and you will also see your serial number is in the correct range as well. First version ended with ser # ended 2,777,650..As a two cam, current verion, $ 250 is about the ave price...Dan

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