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Nikon Coolscan 9000 - Backorder - What's the Deal?


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I'm a primary Mamiya RZ II shooter, and I'm looking at getting the

Nikon 9000, as the Imacon (even used) is out of my price range.

EVERYWHERE I've looked (B&H, Adorama, Ritz, Ebay, etc) says that they

are "out of stock" and have no estimation from the manufacturer when

more will arrive.


I contacted Nikon technical support to see if they would cough up

any "insider" information, and I got the standard "We don't have any

knowledge about inventory/stock issues."


Does anyone have any insight on this, where I can find one, or how

long it might be before they will be arriving at retailers?




Ben Chase

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I ordered mine in june, store received a dented one from nikon in september, which pushed mine back to last week. Just 6 months of waiting. Day mine arrived I had orderd the minolta one since I thought I would never have the nikon scanner- so there I had 2 scanners arrive on the same day.
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I too had this dilemma, so I did a lot of research on the Microtek 120tf, as I was

considering that in addition to the Nikon. I ended up getting the Microtek and I'm not

lookin back. A major selling point for me was that Silverfast and Photoshop Elements were

included and an upgrade to CS from Elements was only $350 (offer is only good through

the end of the year!)


I also do primarily B&W and I heard the Microtek was "easier" on the B&W grain, though

you never know about some personal reports as a lot is left to the skill of the operator.


Since I'm also putting some cash down for an Epson 4000, I thought I would only wait for

one piece of equipment, as opposed to two.


Good luck with your choice, and IMHO, stay away from the Minolta scanners as the 120

film resolution is NOT 4000 ppi, the 4000 spec only appies to 35mm film.



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I don't know what the deal is, but the exact same thing was happening with the LS-50 (Coolscan V) earlier this year. I ordered one in April. Every store I checked with in the US didn't have it. Mine was backordered then re-backordered all summer long. Finally arrived mid-August. So much for my spring/summer scanning project.


Good luck,


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Based on the technical issues reported by photo.netters, if I were you, I would be glad that this 1st manufacturing cycle is done with. Hopefully, Nikon will iron out the major issues in the next batch.


I would think waiting for the next batch to arrive is better than getting one from this 1st batch that has technical issues.

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