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Canon 20D actuations


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Got a 20D last month and want to know how to access the actuations of the camera.

Are the actuations the basis for the number of exposures the camera has taken?

Does anyone know what the factory settings of the 20D are as far as actuations are



I have taken less than 100 shots with the 20D and one of the photos has this info:

IMG_6188.JPEG. Is this something I should be concerned about?


Thanks for any inputs.

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"How many actuations on my camera" - that's one of those questions that gets asked over and over again. You cannot find out the number of actuations on your 20D. Rumours say that Canon technicians have special maintenance software that allows them to read out the number of shutter actuations.


The reason the image number on your 20D is at 6,188 is most likely because you put a CF card in the camera that already had images from yout previous camera on it. The 20D starts counting from the last image number on the CF card.

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<P>actuate </P>

<blockquote>1. To put into motion or action; activate: electrical relays that actuate the elevator's movements. </blockquote>

<blockquote>2. To move to action: a speech that actuated dissent. </blockquote>


<P>Do you mean shutter cycles?</P>

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- Robert Hunter

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The information is definately retained on the card, even if you format the card. I put a CF card from my 10D in my brand new 20D, format the card in the 20D and the file numbering continued from that of my last image shot with the 10D. This was exactly the same with my new 300D.
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the IMG number comes from the camera itself (the shutter), NOT the card. Proof of it is that if you buy a NEW card it will start with the last IMG number taken by the card. Unless you have that opition turned OFF on your camera. I have four cards, no matter which I put on the numbering will start where I left off.
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I think the image numbering algorithm is card AND camera based. A new image will always have a number that is one higher than the highest image number found in camera memory OR on the current card. If the card number is higher, then the in-camera number is updated appropriately, and if the in-camera number is higher than the current card number, then the card is updated appropriately.
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