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1V spot meter ?


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The spot meter reading will be locked as long as you maintain partial pressure on the shutter button. Besides pressing the FEL button, you can also press the AE lock button to lock a single spot meter reading allowing you to release the shutter button. However, in both cases, the exposure lock will only remain in effect until the timer times out.
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use the spot-averaging with great care. though it does indeed, afford averaging, it also allows the user to compose an exposure reading that may not be what they are expecting. it is obvious, given some thought, that the spot selections need be of the same general tones i.e. mid-tones, or equal selections of opposite tones. one can see the problem of averaging spot-meterings of extremes without equality to both bounds (e.g four highlight and three shadow).


my point? give thought to what you are actually averaging to ensure the aggregate is something useful. and check that you have reset the spot-meter averaging accumulator if you error. there are some personal-function settings that can trip you up (or genuinely assist you) that you should be aware of.

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"The spot meter reading will be locked as long as you maintain partial pressure on the shutter button."


this is an incorrect statement for spot-metering. evaluative-metering works in this fashion. using FEL or the * button is a useful spot-metering methodology as exposure-selection and focusing are rarely found at the same point in space.

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"I believe the prior poster has CF4 set to 3."


no, the system behaves the same with CF4-3, and besides, the comment about AE lock with the * button would be incorrect as it now controls focus activation. I am surprised that there isn't a user-selectable function to accomplish this. perhaps there is and I have long-since forgotten. too bad, as there is no shortage of less-worthy parameter settings.

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