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Slighty OT: Does your spouse "get it"?

ray .

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To what extent do you think your wife, husband, girlfriend, loved

one, sister, brother, mother, father (in general- family).......

appreciates your photography or photography in general, or

visual art? How important to you is it that they do or don't?


For me I have an ex-girlfriend who probably appreciates and

understands it most. Those close to me now to a lesser degree.

I gauge it on how much actual discussion and specific

understanding is expressed. I just started dating someone who

I think has limited interest in it..... she's also voting for the other

guy in the election next week. What am I thinking? Well,

apparently, photography and politics aren't everything in life after

all... though future education is always an option...


How does it play out in your life?

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Most, if not all, the people I interact with on a daily basis think it's bizarre a person would wander the streets taking photos of complete strangers. It doesn't seem like a very useful thing to be doing--no money in it either. When I tell them it's an "art" thing, they respond with "oh" and change the subject. While I do like getting positive feedback, art making is such a lonesome pursuit anyhow, I don't really care what people think about it. I aspire to something, that's all that matters.
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of my family, only my mother appreciates one art (music)...literature and visual art don't

appeal, especially the "revolutionary" works...it's a problem but i'm coming to terms with it


with my significant others, it's really important...it's a rather large part of me


politics - you think that's difficult? try dating when your choice is beyond the other


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Partner is a writer and spends a lot of her time writing about 'things that are not really true' because that is her creative 'bent' and enjoyment. I get that and she gets what I do.


She would not "get it" if I just collected cameras as things but she appreciates the images and gives valuable advice on colour and composition. (With her more artistic eye which is more subtle than mine for colours and form.)


She is the one who says that good photography is an art whereas I am the one who maintains it is at best a craft. She probably "gets it" MORE than I do!

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Yes, but most people don't, and that applies equally to

participation in choral music, or playing an instrument ( or maybe

several), or writing, of so many other things. My impression is

that, at least in the US, we largely have become a society of

passive consumers, and have forgotten, if ever we learned,

what's it's like to be passionately involved in such activities. How

many people will be planted on their rear ends watching the

World Series (if it lasts that long) or the NFL this coming Sunday

afternoon? Three weeks ago, there were a couple hundred

empty seats for the performance by a community chorale I sing

in of Rutter's Requiem and Dvorak's Mass in D. Last December,

about 50 people attended my church choir's Advent performance

of JS Bach's Cantata 141, leaving some 175 seats empty.

And those in attendance were mostly those who have only

learned the joy of listening without learning the joy of singing.

Don't be discouraged. With time, we have a way of finding

kindred souls, and with luck, can show the way to someone else

who might not have had the inclination to take up photography, or

music, or [fill in the blank] .

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if your girlfriend doesn't understand your most passionate hobby (assume so), votes for the idiot (assuming i know a little about your politics), and possibly (and most likely) the gap will widen sooner than you think, why the heck are you still hanging in there? for what? once in a long while she posts for a butt shot for you? ops...people on the other camp don't even think that's moral to shoot butts so she probably won't even do that for you. :-)


to me, it is the most important. i do not make any living out of doing photography but yes, opinions from loved ones, friends and families regardign my photography are important.


don't hang around with a wrong gang. find yourself someone better.


all the best.

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To me, it doesnt matter all that much.

I'm happy enough that my girlfriend will spend the time to check

out the stuff I'm interested in. I cant expect her to be as

passionate as I am about certain things. In addition, its always

good to have hobbies that are separate as a time out from each



If anyone picks or rejects a mate because of political

orientation...thats pretty sad man...Maybe I'm Canadian and it

dont matter as much (??)

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I must echo what Sheldon is saying. She hasn't beem "getting it" from me, so if she's "getting it", "it" is somewhere else! Seriously, Ray if you're passionate about something like Photography, Art, Bicycling or Fly Fishing (all my vices), don't try pursuing a relationship with anyone who doesn't give a damn about any of it. These are all mainly solitary pursuits but others who share your interests will eventually be drawn to you based on the common interests you share. This will only happen if you are not dragging around the excess baggage of a disinterested party! Nothing's guaranteed, but optimize yor chances. Life's too short to settle for bum sex. Best regards, Bill
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The girl you're dating sounds pretty good to me (if I understand your politics :-)), most people on this site could use exposure to a different point of view. As far as photography, I personally am not good enough to make a living from it or to consider it my art, but I don't think its necessary to have her share your passion, not everyone is motivated for that in the same way. It is good to share a few interests in common though, consider the whole picture, so to speak. :-)
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Ray, I'm sorry how this is turning out for you, but you turned the corner when you indicated that the one who appreciates "it" the most is your ex, while your current "squeeze" has limited understanding of "it" and is also politically opposed to you. You're clearly conflicted and in need if help! What can we do but extend a helping hand to a comrade in arms? Best regards, Bill :^)
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