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W/NW Star Power -Are They Worth It?


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I should qualify this photo with the following comments. Will todays Brad Pitt be

tomorrows Robert Goulet?Are the film stars of today worth the money they're paid at the

expense of the support workers that "make them look good".This subject is brought upon

by my thoughts on the NHL strike and the concept of celebrity in general.Post 'em if you

got 'em.red don.

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"Are they worth it?"


Are they worth what?


Try to sell a film on the name of the second unit's assistant. Not that the "workers" aren't

important, but that's not how the movie industry works.


On the other hand, you're only worth what your last film grossed. Which, in the case of

many stars, is A LOT. Brad Pitt may be tomorrow's Robert Goulet, but today he's worth

millions. And he, incidentally, happens to be a very interesting actor, IMHO.

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For what's its worth I really got discouraged, no ticked off at the photographers on the sidelines of a football game, or most any other event. At the prices they/we were paid to promote the high priced jocks. Well I did that for a number of years and noticed the rate of pay for "Working the games" did not increse as the rate of pay pro players were pulling in. This is not a gripe, because my decision was to remove myself from this PR photography. There are ways to do this type work and get paid a good price. My .02 centw worth
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<p>Don, your intellect was surely the least important ingredient -- all

that matters is that Leica "glow"! And, um, didn't somebody rip off

somebody's copy? <cite>A Mighty Wind</cite> (enjoyable, but no

<cite>Best in Show</cite> or <cite>Waiting for Guffman</cite>) is

advertised as "Back together for the first time, again".</p>

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Well Ollie I guess you think he was very interesting in his last film running up and down

sand dunes in Troy.I've got nothing against Mr.Pit,he was outstanding in Fight Club .I do

have a problem with excessive compensation for celebrities at the expense of support

workers that are a part of the creation of the celebrity persona of a Brad Pitt,Russell

Crowe,Angelina Jolie et al.Same with the NHL.During regular season play I may as well be

watching a road crew laying asphalt.They only come alive when it's the playoffs.

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Makes sense to me...first time they are together since splitting up.


As far as celebrity worth goes they get paid what the market can bear. Kevin McHale (Boston Celtics) once said ?I?d play the game for 30,000 grand a year, but if they are going to give me a million and a half I?m going to take it?.

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Donald, where is the Aladdin Theater for the Performing Arts? I remember an Alladin movie theater in Denver, years ago. The last couple of times I drove down Colfax, I didn't see it anymore. Is the subject of your picture in Denver, or somewhere else?
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