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Bag for Leica Digilux 2


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I have the Leica bag for Digilux 2 and find it quite annoying. It

has a nice retro look, but in fact, it is very difficult to carry

over your shoulder and also difficult to place solidly on a table.

Even worse, when I take the camera out of the bag, the time exposure

wheel very often changes its place from the normal setting A to e.g.

1000 or 500, so that you suddenly find yourself with a camera that

behaves most irregularly until you find the error.


Furthermore, there is almost no extra room in the bag, only a small

compartment for an extra battery with room in the lid for an extra

sd card without its protective box.


Does anyone on this learned forum have experience with other bags

that are more practical in use for the Digilux 2? It would be better

if the camera could rest horisontally, and if there were a number of

rooms for extra battery, extra SD-cards in their protective box, for

filters, and eventually a small tripod and a flash, be it the Metz

45 mz3/4 or the Leica SF 24.

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the best bag would be one that allows you to carry the camera, flash, accessories, and some personal stuff (ideally a computer).


The problem with the Digilux2 is it is just about as wide and as long as an DSLR so it will not rest flat in a bag. You should try one of the messenger bags and place the camera in there sideways.

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I use a small Billingham bag which works very well. Holds the D2, SF24, spare battery, spare SD cards and a lens pen very comfortably, as well as a few non-photographic bits that I carry around.

Billinghams are not inexpensive, but they are rugged, reliable and keep their precious cargo very safe!


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