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Ring Flash


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Pick the ring flash that has the feature tha you want and have it professionally adapted to your power pack/generators.


Pro lighting shops will have resources to do it in their shop. The place where I worked at for three years before shooting professionally full time did it all the time for our customers. In the rental department was pigtail adapter cables that let you plug one brand of light into another brand of pack.


Just make sure that the shop doing the coversion is knowledgable in both brands (better still authorized service center for both).


If your local flash technician is not comfortable with it enquire Flashclinic in NYC.


Even now I have a mix bags of heads of different brands (Balcar, Norman spot projector & Profoto ringlight amoung them) but am down to 6 dynalite 1000ws packs and 2 2000 ws packs

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