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Am I crazy to purchase a very clean Hassy 501CM system?


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I have a chance to purchase a very clean 501CM with 80mm lens two

A12 backs and a Hassy 45 prism. $1,500. I'm a serious 35mm shooter,

mostly nature with my Canon 1v's and "L" glass. My plan is to start

doing more portrait stuff for some extra cash. Is this the right

thing to do or should I embrace the digital reveloution with a 20D?

I love film and am not considering the switch to digital for my

nature stuff... I've always wanted a Hassy but I don't want to end

up with one if it does not make sense... Interested in your


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No, you are not crazy.

If camera/lens (shutter) is in good condition.

Getting an extra camera/lens always make sense to me,

if you have the budget and do take picture with it.


But what do you mean portrait stuff?

With your current equipment,

you can photo just about everything you want without any new camera.

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Only god knows. Maybe film cameras are going the way of the turntable. Maybe not. If you have a pro lab in your city that is financially stable, a place you are comfortable taking your stuff to OR if you process your own Black and White in your own darkroom then get the Blad. I don't think anyone has to be embarrassed about their dislike or distaste for digital. I have a philosophical distase for digital - its cheap plastic throw away mentality - its snap happy drug-like appeal for the masses, its nerdy technicality as opposed to the tactile feel of shooting with a good rangefinder or a really solid SLR or the artisitic appeal of an old solid like a rock square mechanical TLR. Hey, I like CDs and DVDs are much better than VCRs but digicams - yuk - more plastic crap made in China destined for the landfill in the blink of an eye. Yeah yeah I know theres the 20D and the Canon 1d or whatever - they are solid, nice clean pixels etc. but they are also just really expensive plastic battery eating computer boxes with memory cards - how dull...and they retain their value like a 1972 Ford Pinto. And since I'm on a rant the photo.net posted photos are all now 10D or Digi Rebel shots, so technically perfect and photoshop adulterated, cropped and colorized to exquisite perfection - you'd think we all lived in Disneyland for christ sake. There was far more art, far more interesting work when this site was full of Leica M's, Blads, Mamiya 330's and Pentax 67's. There I feel better now. And think of what this digital revolution is doing to the pro photo shops. These people who have a real love of photography are being supplanted by pimple faced clerks or "associates" in the Walmarts and mega drug stores that polllute the landscape. Is this really what we photographers want???
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Only you can say, but if you can't start doing more portrait stuff with what you

have now, another camera isn't the answer. Overall, I find of my friends that

shoot portraits, most rarely go beyond 11x14. In fact, 8x10 shots, especially

headshots, seem the normal routine. One of my best friends is shooting a

D100 and loves it, and most all he does is portraits with the occasional

wedding. His theory is, his cost is cheap and turnaround fast and that's what

most people want unless your the consumate salesperson and can upsell. I

myself shot 35mm film for most my sitters and there was never a problem

selling them because of lack of quality. Recently I purchased a 501cm and

lens, with the attitude of using it for landscapes and some portraits but will

probably use if more for the landscapes. I always wanted one tho and luckily

had the means to buy it. Again, what your going to have to consider if your

really interested in pursuing the portrait business is that a majority of people

want it now and want it cheap. There's a kid with a camera on every street

corner willing to practice for nothing and most everyone knows one if not a

family member with a digital (instant feedback) camera. Personally I would not

buy the outfit just to persue portraits. It would have to go beyond that, and

maybe as I did, buy it because I wanted it. But therein lies another problem in

that alot of us always just want another camera and we use an idea as an

excuse. Personally my feeling is, is that if you always wanted a Hassy buy it.

The time is right cause most all the pro's and advanced amatuers are running

to digital.

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Frank you make me laugh and feel validated all at the same time! I see digital as a marketing play for the greedy companies that make the stuff. Sure it is terrific for the point and shoot crowd who what snapshots but for us who love the craft of making images... not sure. I have a Sports Illustraed friend who swears by his 1d Mark II and has sold all of his film gear! He says digital rules in his world... Me I just love chromes on a light table!
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John, whatever you do DON'T buy the Hassey 501CM with 80mm lens, 2 A12 backs, and a 45 prism meter, very clean, for $1500.00.


Please DO give me the contact information of the seller so that I can buy it.


Umm... of course you should buy it. That is a great price for a great system.


Michael McCarthy

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Frank, nice rant.


A salesman at RadioShack recently told me that he's seen a resurgence in purchases of turntables. Not sure why the turntable is back. He said a lot of the hip-hop artists use them for sampling. I guess you can't do that with a CD player.


Now, in reply to John. The phrase often used is that the current state of digital is "good enough" to replace 35mm film and pretty close to medium format. And digital gives you that instant feedback, low operating cost, etc.


A Hasselblad and a digital/35mm SLR are very different shooting experiences. I don't find them comparable.


With digital/modern 35mm SLRs, you pretty much frame your shot, push one button and the camera takes over (sort of the original Kodak concept: "You push the button, and we do the rest."). No need to focus, think about exposure, advance film or anything. And with digital, you can take two, three, 10 shots of the same subject. If the exposure isn't right, just reshoot it.


With a Hasselblad, you get a finite number of shots per roll. And you have to focus, determine and set exposure, load and advance the film, etc. If you blow a shot, you don't find out until later.


However, looking at the 6x6 chromes on a lightbox is a very satisfying experience that a computer monitor can't replicate.

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Frank-I LOVED your rant, it expresses my thoughts exactly. I blocked and copied it and am making a large poster with your words on it. And yes, I am buying my bride a point and shoot digital because she has not fallen in love with my Blad equipment (what, no meter?) nor my "highly automated" collection of Nikon F2 stuff.


Do your own thing, for crying out loud. If there is one thing I have learned in life, base your decisions on your own gut feel and don't let yourself be influenced by the masses or the "wisdom of the day." Buy the darn Hassy and see what it does in the film world for you. Hey, you can always put out the ten grand for the new digital back if you want to go that route.

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If I could piggy back on the original question. I have a choice of getting a Hassy 501CM, with an A12 back and the Zeiss 80mm. Its been well used and well cared for everything works perfectly. For a 1000 bucks..or for 1500, I can get a newer and more pristine 503 cw with the bright screen, Zeiss 80mm a12 back etc. If I get either, he'll throw in a Linholf shade. The seller is one of my photo teachers,and I've known him a couple years now, and a trustworthy guy etc. Question, I was told it might be best to plunk down the extra 500, because of one more sellable if I have to sell it for some reason, and secondly if I want to use a winder or remote or ttl flash etc. its built into the camera. This is making me lean towards the 503, though I don't neccessarily need those features, but the resale seems to make to some sense. I will be getting one of them.


Thanx for your input

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John, Like all have said - no you are not crazy, quite the opposite. Like you I am an EOS 1vHS and L series lenses user. I added a 501cm and 50mm, 80mm, 180mm and 250mm lenses progressively.


Using the Hasselblad is one of the great joys of my life now. The images are sensational. I have no overlap between my MF and 35mm systems because the both excell in different applications.


The 501cm system gives me landscapes and portraits to die for!!


I should add that this has made me learn more and more with every use and has even taken me into 4x5, again for quite different applications.


By the way, the Carl Zeiss glass is made in Heaven! If you're impressed by L series lenses, the Zeiss lenses will blow you away. There is nothing much better than looking down into the 501cm view finder and through a Zeiss lens.


The question between a 20D and a 501cm can only be answered by you as their applications are very different.


Finally, now is a good time to get great gear at reasonable prices.



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Frank Philcox,that is one finely crafted and well thought out rant.I salute you.In fact it is

much more than just a rant.It is a philosophically defensible perception.The end to all film

vs digital arguments.Use what is appropriate for the task,but,question the motivation for

the purpose of the image.Digital image machines encourage promiscuous image

taking.Why is that to be encouraged(Other than selling more products.-inks,papers,

discs,computers,frustrations,etc.)?And John Barclay,congratulations on your purchase of a

fine rig,enjoy.Leica hack don.

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Well I am the proud owner of this fine piece of equipment. I can't stop smiling! If feels so solid and I love the sound it makes when taking a picture. How stupid does that sound? Kind of like a nice car when you shut the door versus a tin can of a car.. I'm waiting for my first roll to be processed. Can't wait! Now for the 150mm and 50mm lenses... flash, and all else. I can already see why many love this system. I can see a whole new love affair just like has happened with my XPAN. Again thanks for spending my money guys!
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