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Can someone scan my article for the benefit of the forum?forum

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Dear Dr. Knapp,


Since noone has volunteered, I will gladly scan your article as soon as my copy of the Viewfinder arrives. However, being in Mexico and then not on the Capital, this might be two or three weeks after postmark. OTOH, as soon as I have it it will be only a matter of minutes to scan it.

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"wouldnt one think a dr could afford a 50$ flatbed scanner.....?"


Grant: Not at the cost of malpractice insurance today!


Albert: My Viewfinder hasn't shown up yet, and I'm getting worried. If it ever does, I'll try scanning it in. I'm unconfident with my Epson 2450, but I will try! Congratulations on the article. I enjoyed your last one.

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I've got the VF here on my lap. Before I scam, I absolutely need to know that this will not infringe on LSHA's copyright, if it has one. On page three it states: "Reproduction or use of any material contained herein without written permission of the Society is forbidden." This indicates that published material is copyrighted by LSHA.


This is very delicate stuff. I have direct control over some of the short stories, articles and photographs that I have published and am free to do as I wish with them after publication. With others, the journals own the copyright and I need a release from them. The problem in this case is that I would be scanning directly from VF. If LSHA does indeed have the copyright I am sure that a release would be a minor formality. It would be, however, a necessary one.


Could you e-mail LHSA and have them e-mail the permission to me? I am a member.


May I also suggest getting a scanner. It is very easy to use if you have Photoshop. My Photoshop 7 hooks right into the scanner. I promise you that a scanner will change your life as you will have a control over your photographs that is unmatched by anything.


By the way, I liked both your article and photographs in VF. The most exotic piece of information you conveyed was: "The official photographer for the Boston Syphony Orchestra both in Boston and at Tangwood uses two ancient Leitz super-telephotos attached to M bodies with a Visoflex!" Priceless.

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<i>>>Before I <b><u>scam</u></b>, I absolutely need to know that this will not infringe on LSHA's copyright<<</i>


Don't you dare scamming! Leave that to Nigerian widows of late Generals and Bank Directors... ;-)


Go on with the <b>scan</b> whatsoever. I doubt LHSA will sue you.

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