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crt monitor just turn yellow

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I agree with the previous suggestion. Check the cable and the connection between the cable/monitor (If it's removable) and between the cable & computer. Something may simply be loose. It's possible your monitor is on its way out and may be more trouble than its worth.


CRTs are still a better bet for imaging as far as color accuracy and tonal quality are concerned, and they're a lot cheaper so I'd suggest getting another one if you can stand the amount of space it uses, the heat it puts out and the power it consumes. They really are still better.

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I just bought a Viewsonic p95f+ to replace a Viewsonic g75f that had gone soft on me.


The P95 cost me $270 and is a better monitor (and bigger) than the G75 that I paid over $500 for about four years ago. The prices on these things are astonishingly cheap (made in China, donchaknow) now.


I looked at LCDs, but a 19 incher was so far beyond my means, I quickly decided the CRT was the way to go.


Walter Hawn

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Lynn, it's for that reason that I know some people swear by having both. They use the CRT for color and have an LCD for analyzing sharpness. Generally sharpness issues on a CRT usually stem from a bad CRT, or inappropriate resolution or refresh rate settings though so I'm not sure how valid that argument is.
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I'm in the market too and have been researching this for some time. Basically no one seems to agree. But I think that if you are willing to splash out on the Apple Cinema display or Eizo you'll be fine.


I do think you should check your cable first. A bent pin can cause the problem you are describing.

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In order to get a suitable LCD for color critical work you have to spend a bit of money. The only suitable monitor I have found at any price is the Eizo ColorEdge CG21. The Apple monitors are a close second, but the Eizo has better edge-to-edge uniformity, and some internal electronics that give it a smoother, more accurate calibration. The provided software is quite good and works with several Gretag MacBeth instruments.<p>

Eric Bullock<br>

PixelPusherz Imaging<br>


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