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Problem loading Mamiya C220


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I've just aquired a C220 after years of shooting 35mm. I tried

loading a roll of 120 film this afternoon. I expected the crank to

stop me from winding and for the frame counter to move off zero but it

never did. I ended up rolling the whole roll onto the take up reel.

I don't have the manual for this camera. What did I do wrong?

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1) did you "firmly" seat the spool in the take up and feeder positions? (some models are quirky that way)

2) Did you set the frame-counter (or exposure setting) to single as opposed to Multi? (This also may cause you issues)

3) if all else fails, try using the now 'exposed' roll and repeat the above steps to verify operation - if that fails, try your local camera shop - most are willing to help


If you'd like a manual - try Mamiya at :http://www.mamiya.com/customerservice1.asp?id=3&id2=115

The C330 manual is available as a free .pdf download from the site.

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Could be one of two things, each of which has happened to me.


If you don't press the film door firmly (toward the top) so that both catches catch, you will experience what you did--the whole roll will wind through.


If the shutter release button is "sticky" it could cause the same problem because as Mark above said, if you press the shutter release button, you can wind the whole roll through.


Otherwise, it might be the whole winding mechanism needs adjustment, but test for the above two things first.

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