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M6 Shutter Repar Question


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I have a M6 classic approx. 6 years old that doen't see much action.

Perhaps 10 rolls a year at best.

I have noticed at shots taken at 1000 a sec a black band appears on

the top to bottom of the left side of the frame. It doesn't extend

onto the film sprockets. Other shutter speeds are fine.

Seems to be time to visit the camera doctor...

Can anyone advise if this is a BIG costly repair and any advice

where to send my vacation camera.

I hear such terrible tings about Leica in NJ.

Thank yoiu all in advance.

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Often you can get a weak shutter speed back into action just by giving it some exercise. Try firing off about 100 dry frames (while watching the next Series game or some such) at 1/1000 - that may be enough to clear it up. And this is specifically recommended by the local Leica reps as a step to take before spending money on servicing.


Exercising the shutter at other times is probably a good idea if you aren't shooting at least a roll a week, or have shutter speeds you rarely use (1 sec. 1/8th sec. etc.) - same process except do 5-10 shots at all the speeds.

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Gotta thank you all for your quick replies to my problem. I am working the shutter at 1000 of sec and other speeds and will do a test Thursday or Friday.


My problem is too many "toys" Nikon, Pentax and the like and not enuf time to play with them.

Guess my Leica toys wanna play more than the others cameras on the block!

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Not to leave you good folks hanging...the working of the shutter did't work...a test rolls reveals the problem still there after the 'workout.'


Looks like a trip to Sherry's may be in order.

Am I looking for a CLA at this point????


Thank you all...happy and safe holiday's to you all.

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