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Please help me decide what Nikon Model should I buy?


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Hi I am an amatuer and just enrolled in a photography

institution.Presently I am using my dads pld Pentax Spotmatic F with

Takumar lenses.However Im interested in buying a new camera and

decided on Nikon. Though Im in love with Nikon D70 but its way out

of my budget but I would apprecite ur inputs on D 70 too

Other choices are F55, F75 or F80.F 55 is very economical but I was

wondedering if its better if I invest in SLR for once and all.


So Please give me ur inputs :)

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Well, the differences between digital and film are a major part of this, obviously.


The F80/N80 is probably the best value point in Nikon's line. If you like Nikon's control layout and are comfortable with their system, it would be a fine choice, with a good range of features and the ability to grow with you as a photographer. Good luck.

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Although I still shoot film exclusively, I do not recommend that you spend much money on a film SLR. First, you can buy a lot of (film) camera without spending a fortune. Second, I suspect you will want to go digital shortly, and soon enough (already, really) the bottom will fall out of the used film SLR market. So I recommend the F75, which is all the camera you will need for now, and doesn't cost much more than the F55. As for lenses, I recommend the 50/1.8. Any additional lenses you buy should be bought with a digital future in mind, IMO. As for the D 70, that is, with the 18-70/3.5-4.5 zoom, the smartest buy in digital SLRs, in my opinion -- and, for what it's worth, I own Canon and Contax SLRs, but no Nikon equipment.
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I know this was not one of your choices, but in my opinion, for a reasonably inexpensive camera, I would consider the FM3A. It's all manual. Much better build quality than any of the above and a great way to actually learn photography as you take pictures.
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If you think you will become a pro or a serious amateur, then either D70 or N80/F100 are the best choices. However, if you are unsure about that and do not want to spend $$$, you might be better off chosing nice condition 2nd hand equipment such as:

N90s + 24/2.8 AI + 50/1.8 AF + 100/2.8 AIS + 200/4 AI for ca $600 or less. I swear the quality of this combination will be second to none. IMO any of AI-AIS lenses are at least equal to the AF versions but much cheaper.

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First, I think you should tell us what abit about what type of

photography you're interested in. The pentax spotmatic is a

good and capable camera so you may not need to get a new one

right now. There is no harm in waiting alittle and see what you

really need and want. Start with one or two lens and concentrate

on framing and lighting.

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You can't go wrong with an N80. However, if building an SLR system from scratch can consider the Maxxum/Dynax 5 and then in future move up to the Minolta DSLR line, which shows real promise. Nikon and Canon consumer DSLRs will likely pale before the Maxxum 7D.
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Tanya, I am with the group who recommends staying with the Pentax. You will be able to concentrate on the basics rather than buttons. I have a Professional Photographer friend who uses the Spotmatic all the time for Landscape shots ( Prints ). He sells a lot of them. Once you have the basics learned by you controlling the Camera and the outcome then it may be time to move up. The Pentax may well produce better pictures than the rest of your classmates whiz bang Cameras with everything set to automatic. If you want a new Camera then it is an entirely different matter. N 90S is very good. Regards Peter
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Thank you everyone for some great advice :) I think I'll continue with Pentax till my basic course and in a couple of months opt for a new camera.Hopefully D 70 (I can dream na) or F 75.

Another plus point of Nikon is that lenses are easily available here in india while thats not the case with Canon or Contax and even Pentax.

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