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what does color matching on Minolta 5400 scanner actually do

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hi ,

i know that the Minolta 5400 scanner does not assign profiles to

scanned images.

However varying the color matching settings in the Dimage Scan

preferences betweeen AdobeRGB and sRGB results in scans with colors

that look quite different when i open them up in PhotoShop.

My PhotoShop workspace is set to AdobeRGB and the images that are

matched to AdobeRGB during scanning looks much less saturated .


What is actually happens when you specify a color matching setting

in the Dimage scan ?




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I may be incorrect, but my assumption has always been that using colour matching in the Minolta software first assigns the Minolta provided profile to the image (negative, positive, or posi-linear depending on the scanning mode) and then converts to the colour space selected (e.g., AdobeRGB). The output file is untaggged ufortunately, so you have to know that the image is now AdobeRGB and assign this space (not convert!) when opening the file in Photoshop.<br>


I find many problems with all this. The two main ones being: a) you must remember what space you have converted to because this information is not stored with the image; and b) it forces you to use the Minolta provided profiles.<br>


Personally, I prefer to not use colour matching. When opening the image in Photoshop, I assign the custom profile I made of the scanner (you can use one of the Minolta provided profiles, but I find these inadequate) and then convert to AdobeRGB.<br>


You may wish to try out the profiles I made here: <a href="http://www.ethervizion.com/lost_found/" target="_blank"><b>ethervizion.com</b></a>. Even though they will not be perfectly matched to your scanner, people have found them to be much better than the Minolta provided profiles.<br>


Good luck!<br>



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