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Mamiya 645 Pro vs Super


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I am going to begin purchasing a medium format system in the near

future; I believe I have settled on the Mamiya 645 because there is

so much of it out there available, and it seems to be the best value

right now. What I want in my system is interchangable backs, thru

the lens metering, a prism, all in a package that can can be

handheld relatively easy. My question is what are the main

differences between the 645 Super and the 645 Pro??? It seems to me

that either would fulfill my criteria. It seems that I can pick up

a Super system for somewhat less than the Pro I don't go for to

many bells and whistles, but would like to know the differences. If

anyone has other system recommedations I will appreaciate the advice

as well.


I tried to do a search for the info I am seeking and had a bit of

trouble finding what I am looking for; so if you know of a link

where I can obtain reviews of the two systems or the information I'm

looking for that will be appreciated as much as your advice.

Thanks in advance, your recommendations and advice is much



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