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Sony 717 Depth of Field

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yes, use manual setting and stop down your aperture setting. This was probably f/2,8 or even 2,0. You'll need more light though or other wise a slower shutter speed to compensate for the more closed down aperture. This is a standard issue with macro and worse off with digital due to the inherent relatively narrower DOF that comes with a small image sensor.<div>009Dct-19253784.jpg.4b737e435f4fd2df6cb98ad793975496.jpg</div>
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<i>This is a standard issue with macro</i><p>YES. Vicki, all you can do is stop down the lens to the smallest aperture (largest aperture number) for the greatest DOF.<p><i>and worse off with digital due to the inherent relatively narrower DOF that comes with a small image sensor</i><p>NO. Small image sensor cameras inherently offer GREATER DOF, not less. Small sensor cameras have short focal length lenses that are something like 7-25mm, and short focal lengths inherently have greater DOF.
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