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sign of the times--new response to old camera


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At a family reunion recently I was using my old Yashica 124 for some

casual shots. Several adults and children had the same response

after peering into the waist level finder: "Is that digital? It

looks digital." To them the small square ground glass image looked a

lot like the "screen" on a digital camera. In a way it does. They

all thought it was "cool." So there you go, my 30 year old twin lens

reflex still impresses folks, although for somewhat dubious reasons


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The one that pains me is when a kid's dad said, "Hey look, he's shooting with an antique."


I have different camera, a 6x9 folder, which I used for a group portrait. It has a rather noisy self-timer. It was a perfect exposure of a group of folks with a worried look, as they were distracted by the painfully slow and buzzing movement of the self-timer lever.

Best Regards - Andrew in Austin, TX
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Odd, I get a different reaction when I am out shooting with my Rollei's. Usually its on the line of "Wow my <insert title and name of some older and possibly deceased relative> used to shoot with one of those, it brings back memories". Or ?I used to shoot with one of those, I loved them?
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I got a "Wow, that's raw!" a few weeks ago when I was in my front yard, holding my 9x12 cm Ica Ideal (ca. 80 years old) up to the light, scowling at all the pinholes in the bellows (that was before I realized that the bellows was a retrofit, and was undersize for that camera, probably correct for a 3x4 format version and likely the wrong type for an Ideal, which should have had leather). Took me a minute to realize they were admiring the double extension bellows and leather covering...


And yes, as long as the young dudes were dressed in either shorts and tanks, or pants that looked like they were belted around the knees, "sick" is a compliment -- it's a skateboarding term.

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I was shooting tables (blah!) at a wedding last weekend with my Hasselblad 503CW with an CF 80mm and a Norman 400B flash-on-camera with the stroboframe "Dennis Reggie" bracket.


A guest asked me (after I took two shots) if my Hassy was a REAL camera, like I'd be going around and disturbing guests just for sh!ts and giggles.


Cracks me up how ignorant some people are, photographically that is.

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