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Locked Images in Photoshop (CS)

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I'm trying to manage images from a scan to CD (done by my lab, they have a new scanner)

within Photoshop CS using the file browser. the images all show up in the browser with

little padlocks on them. PS won't let me move anything to another folder, and if I try to

delete one, seems to work but does not go away. The folders on the CD were marked

read-only, but I changed them to read-write. Didn't help. BTW, I am using files I dragged

onto the desktop....not trying to modify the CD-R! I'm working on a Mac using OS X

Panther. Anybody know what's going on, and what I have to do to be able to trash the

bum images and build one good folder with the good ones? thanks.

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S something weird happens when you copy files off a PC created CD. I've always had

access to a PC to fix it. You have to change the properties on the enclosing folder to

unlock it and tell it to do that to all the files inside.


I've never had to fix it on my Macs. You might want to just check versiontracker for a batch

unlock utility.

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Well, figured this one out myself, so will pass along for benefit of other Mac users. I was

on the right track, but did not go far enuf. If you go to file menu, look at file permissions,

start by marking as read-write, as I noted above. "But you also have to click on details,

which gives you the choice of clicking on something like "apply to enclosed items" which

does the trick. In other words, you are applying read-write permission not only to the

folder itself, but also to the items in it. Everything works great now!

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