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I have recently started doing photoshoots semi pro- and I have hit

such a snag! I own a MAC OS Panther, and when I get back from my

shoots, I upload the images from the CF card to the computer, and

then save them all on CD (even the junk).


I then go to close my CF card reader and it opens Iphoto, and begins

downloading the images there. So I then have the images on CD, in

Iphoto, and then make a copy on my desktop.


I would like all my photos to go to ADOBE PS. So I can work in there

with them, but they ALWAYS go to Iphoto.


My questions are these:


Is there anyway for images not to go to Iphoto?

Is there a better workflow for uploading images and then working with

them, someone might share?


For some reason, I can't figure out the best workflow. I'd love to

know what others do!


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I don't have a Mac in front of me right now. But there must be a way to designate Photoshop as the default application for photos instead of Iphoto. If it's the first time the Mac sees a new action it will ask you what you want to do, so you must be able to go somewhere to make this change.


Mac experts out there?......

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hi alicia,


As regards to opening images in Photoshop, if you goto My Computer and locate your images in your card reader (g: h: drive etc). Highlight any image but DO NOT double click as this will open it in iPhoto. Instead, right click on the image and you will see an option called Open With... click this and browse for Photoshop. This now allows you to double click ANY image and it will automatically open in Photoshop.


With regards to my workflow, after my shoots I open Photoshop CS, click on Open and view my images there. I open the images I think make the grade and they open in the RAW converter, I process them and tweak levels, colour casts, distractions etc. I then save the converted RAW onto my 20gb portable hard drive in a folder called 'xxxx Converted' and I also have a folder called 'RAW' where I place all the original RAW files incase anything happens to the converted file. When these folders build up I then burn them onto CD.


Hope this helps.


Good Luck



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<p>You can choose which application will download photos from a CF.

<p>Look in the Applications folder for "Image Capture" (icon like a camera). Launch

it. In the Preferences dialog you can decide which application to open when you plug in

your camera (or the card reader).

<p>The defaults are either iPhoto or Image Capture. You could change it to Photoshop

but I would suggest you don't: Photoshop is not really designed to copy images from the

CF to the HD. A better solution is to use Image Capture itself. Image Capture allows you to

copy the files to any folder on your hard disk. Then from Image Capture you can launch

Photoshop on the copy of the files.

<p>My workflow is a bit different: I use PhotoMechanic (<a href="http://

www.camerabits.com">www.camerabits.com</a>) instead of Image Capture. I find it

more convenient but it's not free.

<p>--ben<br><a href="http://www.marchal.com">marchal.com</a>

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" you goto My Computer and locate your images in your card reader (g: h: drive etc). Highlight any image but DO NOT double click as this will open it in iPhoto. Instead, right click on the image and you will see an option called Open With... "


WOW... all those same things are on a MAC? Sounds a lot like windows to me.

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Hi how's it going Alicia? You need to go up to the Apple icon in the top left corner.

Go into system preferences. Under CD&DVD you can change the default app that

opens photo media. System preferences contains most of this kind of info.

However like a previous poster said you don't really use PS for bringing the images

onto the harddrive. Use your camera software. I use image capture, or canon image

browser. Then after they are onto the harddrive you can just do a move or copy to a

folder... and then open it in PS.

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Alicia click on my name and request my email address. Email me directly and I can tell

you a lot about effective digital workflow with a mac.

I just don't feel like ranting on right this

second on photo.net. Especially because a lot of times the original poster never comes

back to read it again.

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