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Sigma EF 500 flash for canon


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Hi :


I have a Sigma 500 EF flash , that I use with my Canon EOS 1V.

It's happened very often that the pictures taken with the

flash turn out dull.


I am curious what could be happening here .


I tried running the camera in fully-automatic mode and still notice

the problem.


Any insights ??



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Can you be more specific about what you mean by dull? Do you mean boring as in flat lighting due to direct flash from the camera position or do you mean dull colors or lack of contrast (possibly due to exposure problems)?


If it is just boring try bouncing the flash off of a white ceiling. This is a very low powered flash unit so be sure to use fairly fast film when bouncing since you will lose about three stops in an average living room type situation (rule of thumb based on two stops light loss and one stop to compensate for the new longer effective distance from flash to subject). I wouldn't try it with less than ASA 400 speed film.



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