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Mamiya RB67 needs shutter repair


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I recently purchased a Mamiya RB67 body, waist level finder, body

cover and revolving back for a song because the previous owner says

that the shutter won't cycle when the mirror flips up. It's as though

the spring on the shutter is detached or broken. Can anybody

recommend a good repair shop where I can send it and get it evaluated

without getting ripped? I am brand new to this format, but since the

purchase was so cheap(If I told you how much, you wouldn't believe it)

I figured I could begin with this "project" and build on it. Any

advice or direction would be greatly appreciated.

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Howdy Keith,

I use the mamiya RZ BUT, try these couple of ideas as they work on the similar RZ...

The shutter is in the lens,

1) At least in the RZ lenses , on the back side of the lens are two pins that stick out and have a green dot and a red dot next to them.

On the RZ, they tell you to take two fingers at the SAME time and gently push the two pins to the red dot configuration at the end of the travel of these 2 pins and then it should spring back to the 2 green dots on it own. I think this sets the shutter which may be set for a mirror up configuration right now, which brings me to item #2.


2) Again, on the similar RZ lenses, look at the side or body of the lens, it may be set for mirror up mode which happened to me on my first lens, a 'used' purchase. I think i shot a whole roll of blank frames if i remember.. Anyway, you will find just behind the F-stop ring, a small hole that is threaded for a cable release mechanism. This is for the mirror lockup function. Look CAREFULLY at the silver colored recepticle for the cable release that is in the lens; if you see a small red band or circle visible then this may possibly be the problem. In mirror lockup function, this silver button looking thing is extended very slightly making the red band visible. What you will have to do to RESET it is get a cable release that screws into the hole , mamiya makes a DOUBLE CABLE RELEASE for the mirror lockup function, one end screws into the lens and the other into the shutter button, anyway, any cheapie cable release will do for now assuming it threads into the hole. Thread this into the hole on the lens where it slightly bottoms out, and then, i'm not sure if you will have to slightly push the cable release button or just unscrew the release cable from the fitting and the little button on the lens should pop back in and sit flush without the red band showing. Once its sitting flush, repeat step #1 above and mount the lens to the camera after resetting the cocking lever on the side of the camera by pushing it all the way forward one time.


if you want to call the tech reps at mamiya america corp and confer with them, while you're doing this or to clarify something here's their info:

mamiya america corp

8 westchester plaza

service dept.

elmsford, new york 10523

PHONE TO TECH REPS 914 347-3300


They are very helpful and see these everyday!


Also, you can go to their web site at ;


then go to the customer service section, then to the instruction manuals section. Here you can download the instruction manuals for either the RB pro S or the RB pro SD, or order a hard copy from them for about 10 bucks more or less.


hope this does some good.


another idea is to take your RB to a local camera store that carries this type equipment and ask the sales guy to try one of his lenses on it for a moment after explaining the problem to him.


Maybe one of the guys that shoots the RB in this forum could clarify any points that i may have overlooked or correct anything if needed.


good luck dude!


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I am not sure that I followed the entire post above, but it is certainly possible that the lens is set for "mirror up" use. There is cable release socket on the left side of the lens (as it is mounted to the camera.) There is a collar surrounding this socket with a pointer that indicates "M" or "N". It should be set to "N" (normal). To move it, you must pull it out and turn it. When set to "M", the release on the body only trips the mirror. The shutter does not fire and there is no indication that the shutter did not fire. You then fire the lens using a cable release mounted directly to the lens. In the "N" mode, the shutter fires when the mirror is tripped.


If this is not clear, email me and I will be happy to set up a time that we can do this over the phone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks to everyone that offered help to me and my new camera. It turns out that the body was not broken at all and I got a trememdous deal!(I paid less than $150). Now I'm looking to get the body light sealed. It is missing the rear light seal where the back attaches. Any suggestions? Is there a kit I can purchase and do it myself? Thanks for any suggestions.
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