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The latest and(final I guess)about the Minolta Maxxum D7


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There was just a call for DSLRs that had better viewfinders, and it seems that we have one here. .9 Mag and 95% coverage, mixed with Minolta's great history of bright viewfinders is indeed appealing. Not that I have any Minolta lenses (other than for my CLE!), but hopefully it will up the ante for those other guys who also make DSLRs. Oh yeah, and the anti-shake sounds cool too.
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Too little, too late for Minolta.


The one outstanding feature of the new Minolta is the anti-shake feature. I believe this alone will sell a number of them. However, if that feature is left out of the equation one realize that the camera, when it will be introduced, will already be a generation behind with no alternative model to which Minolta users can upgrade. The specifications read a lot like that of the Canon 10D, which is already being discontinued. Add to this a very limited lens range, lack of USM (slow focusing) and that LOOONG name that just doesn?t sound right. No thank you.

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Looks good to me.<br>

The antishake is a definite gem.<br>

Better to have it in camera rather than to spend for higher priced lenses with that feature.<br>

I just wish they had the same Apo lens that they have on the DiMage A series.<br>

More to see about it <a href=http://konicaminolta.com/products/consumer/digital_camera/slr/maxxum-7d/index_nf.html>Here!</a><p>


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"that LOOONG name that just doesn't sound right"


Yeah, that extra one syllable is ridiculous. How are you supposed to take photos when you're busy trying to say that name? I know I'll be sticking with the 3 syllable offerings from Canon and Nikon. Plus they have "on" in the manufacturer name. Minolta has "no" - insane. How can you justify a camera that has "no" in there AND 4 syllables? They really have lost the plot. Darn tootin'!

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The new Minolta DSLR looks like nothing special. Konica Minolta is at least 2 years behind the competition. The only feature that might be interesting is the Anti Shake, and we still have to see how well it works in practice. I'm still glad I sold my Minolta stuff long ago and got a Canon EOS 10D.
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I am more interested in how Konica Minolta perform in that new software. Minolta had been around for a long time in industrial side a strong player in Color Management ( Calibration, detection etc ) and Konica had their part in film & print. That could make interesting synergy towards a Product in that software.


I am more optimistic about the 7D than most of you. The DSLR market, unlike the DC or Film DSLR market is quite a different one, and its but starting. Konica Minolta is but starting. We all know about how quite a lot of us had wrongly put the Olympus ( me included, what a fool I am ) as a dead end system. Or how Pentax will be marketing their DSLR when they had the *ist-D. Well they all gain a foothold in the market. So do Sigma & Kodak. Its only this recent months that we really see a mass market penetration of DSLR with D70 joining the round. It will left for these Mfr to present what they can offer.

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I agree that apart from the anti-shake and superior view finder,there's nothing unheard of in this camera but wouldn't be surprise(looking how fast they are to replace their model in the pro-sumers line)that the D7 will have a bigger brother real quick.When I did type"the latest and (final I guess)"...there's one thing that is still not final or known...the price!
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It's probably the same sensor used in the Nikon D70, if I recall correctly from other readings, but there may be filtering differences, etc. But other than price and delivery schedule, it seems like pretty much all of the details are out now.


The A2 lens would not be applicable, it's not for the same size sensor and it's a 7.2 to 50.8mm lens in reality - which would be a stunning range if usable with a 1.5 factor.


I don't think KM has ever confirmed that it's the only model but they haven't done more than imply other models to follow either. Should they have attacked low end and high end markets first or the middle as apparently they've done?


I'd prefer a cheap model with all high end features (wouldn't we all?) but think this (somewhat sub $1500 my guess)isn't so far out of the range for the folks waiting, holding their breathes and turning blue, that it will both capture some entry level folks and also folks who have used the high-end digicams and want/need more. I think anyone who needed the highest end type camera for substantive business (cameras really do pay for themselves) has already bailed.

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One suggested that this camera use the same sensor as the Nikon D70 but the dimension aren't the same,so is the effective pixel count 6.1 versus 6.0 for the Nikon(I compared the # at the Dpreview site).The D70 sensor is made by Sony.Yesterday,read an article on the D7 in Popular Photography magazine.They wrote the price believe to be between $1300. and $1500. and availability,October.
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