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Leica M and rain?


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Here in Miami I try to keep them from getting poured on directly, and wipe them dry when they get spray on them. Salt spray should be wiped off with a cloth dampened in fresh water first. Don't put wet cameras in your bag or case. Leave them out on a table. I leave mine out all the time at home. Some are still truckin' after 40 years! They're pretty hardy animals! My buton rewind M2 from 1958 still gets used several times a week.
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On a boat trip, my M6 had literally two drops of salt water splashed on it. I

wiped it down immediately and later wiped it again with a damp cloth. One of

the drops fell on the hot shoe and 6 months later, the hotshoe/meter circut

was totally corroded - big repair bill. A better seal would be nice.

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I am not sure if maybe my M2 could survive the water treatment. Usually I will not risk it, in those situation, I'll risk the Zorki. But, I found that the Nikon F2 is very durable and can take on an occasional rain. Now, if I can afford the Nikonos....
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Wayne, sorry about your M6. Electronics don't hold up too well to corrosive situations, nor do the zinc alloy body covers Leitz started using twenty odd years ago. I bought an R4S new back then and within a couple of years the paint was all bubbled up, and even crumbling off in places. I still think that the classic unmetered M bodies with chromed brass top and bottom can withstand quite a bit of salt spray. 8 or 9 years ago a buddy of mine, Capt. Dave Kostyo, was about to make the big switch from working for Bell South to becomming a full time fishing guide. He needed photographs and my step son Craig, not quite 14, wanted to win some trophies in the annual Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament. Two nights a week for a couple months we were fishing the ocean outside of Haulover Cut and Government Cut here in Miami, fishing for tarpon. Craig won the Jr. Tarpon Release trophy with 33 released tarpon, the largest close to 100 lbs., plus he released about 20 jack crevalle to about 20 pounds. The Leicas got drizzled on and splashed with salt water, handled with fingers sticky with sweat and fish slime, and jusk kept on truckin'. Even the Vivitar 283 flash units survived.


Do those cameras look pretty? Hell no! But I'm still using them, the Vivitar 283's too, and everything is working fine. Last Friday I was in Fairchild Tropical Gardens shooting a wedding with them and they survived 2 more rain showers! (After 8 years the fish smell is gone.)


Craig is now 22 and recently said that he wants to start fishing again after a few years detour chasing skirts. His mom and I aren't still "together' but remain close friends. I spoke with Capt. Dave the other day and he said he could use some new pix for his website so as soon as the tournament starts in a few weeks the M2's will get wet again!


We need some new fishing tackle! 8 years ago I sent lots of pix to the Penn Reel Company, Abu Garcia, and the Ande Line Company. We got rods and reels, fishing shirts, and enough big spools of Ande Tournament monofilament so only now am I running low! Craig's pix appeared in some ads and literature.

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