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Canon Digital Rebel in Black coming to USA by Christmas.


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Subject: Canon Digital Rebel in Black coming to USA by Christmas.



I highly believe that the black bodied digital rebel will be here in

the USA by christmas. Reasons being. 1 - (advertisments not allowed)

a USA based online retailer has on their site the black D rebel for



2 - Black rebels are fully available in canada under the name Rebel.

not just 300D or Kiss.


3 - Huge rebate for the USA digital rebel is here, up to 300 dollars

off with purchase of specific lenses. Why are they trying so hard to

get rid of the D rebels? The 10D is now only 350 dollars more than

the digital rebel. So being the 10D is only 350 dollars more, and the

price gap is closing, and because Canon has invested in the

production of the D-rebel series, both silver and black, Canon will

dump as many D rebels as they can FAST. both Silver and Black.


4 - That same rebate expires January 2005. soon AFTER christmas. that

rebate states FIRMLY that only CANON USA products are eligible for

the rebate. Meanwhile the FAQ section of Canon's USA rebate page

states the following.


Q. Is the digital rebel black eligible for the program ? A. Yes, The

digital rebel black is fully eligible for the program including

double and triple value.


This being said, remember the rebate FIRMLY states.. canon USA only

products are eligible, the rebate ends in January, and so if the

black rebel is eligible, then it must be available durning the rebate

period, and who the heck would release something after christmas

meanwhile the timeframe ends shortly after christmas? of course they

will take advantage of christmas sales to try to beat out the nikon

d70. which is black.


I can imagine that Canon will sell tons of silver rebels from now

till Dec. and the rebate demands cutting the box so the people cant

return the silver rebel anymore. Then POP ! For christmas, the black

rebel comes out. and the people will come back and get one to have

one of each. PURE GENIUS CANON !

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you said " you think the black would still be priced at a premium to the silver one?"


I didnt know that was the case ! in canada, the black AND the silver are both priced the same, and in canada, you get a 100 dollar © rebate if you get the rebel WITH a battery grip, or some other accessory as specified... I do like that deal much better than the USA rebate. like, how many lenses do I need ? I and most other eos users already have a ton of lenses. problem is, no one who is going to buy the rebel would already have the bg-e1 grip ! so most people NEED A grip, not a ton of lenses. *sigh* I wish I lived in canada.....

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Konnichiwa Ian Hobday


I am assuming that canon have more plastic and chips purchasing contracts waiting to be fulfilled, or perhaps their rebel manufacturing machines still have alot of life in them. so why not churn out more rebels at a lower prices ? That plan of action will build brand loyalty in the "new to the dSLR" amature market, resulting in these amatures sticking with the canon brand when going pro, and that will surely kick nikon in the nuts. Such marketing wizards they are at canon!


( or perhaps canon is still sore about the TTL flash thing )

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Do not trust CANON rebates. They are just pain crooks to lure you into purchasing their products.


Once I purchased as set Canon S40 + Canon 820 printer with $100 rebate advertised averywhere, and in the photo store I purchased both from. I did send all bar codes from both boxes, the payment caschier's receipt, the form - all as requested.


After 3 months Canon sent letter to me that the printer does not qualify for the discount.


After talking to my attorney I was told that it would cost me more to get the $100 from Canon, that was rightfully mine.

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Hi Frank... Rebates are always like that, not just from canon. Everytime I do a rebate, I am prepared to fight for it. reading what you wrote seems like you went straight to a lawyer after recieving your letter. didnt you just call canon's rebate center? I assume you had the copy of the rebate, which stated which model printer has the rebate, all you have to do is to fax it to the rebate center and they give you the 100 bucks.


On the flipside, onetime I sent in a 100 monitor rebate, got 200 instead. another time my ex girlfriend sent in for HP computer rebate and forgot the UPCs. she threw out the boxes and months later she gets a letter stating they needed the UPC to process the rebate. After A strongly worded letter insisting that they lost the upc themselves, they sent the rebate checks.

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It is well known that you get more noise from the sensors in hot conditions and that

black absorbs sunlight more than silver. Therefore you get more noise from a black

dRebel than a silver one. Canon makes their long telephotos white to avoid heating

and Ansel Adams used to paint his equipment cases white for precisely the same

reason. When will Canon stop foisting off inferior black cameras on us ?

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wow, is that like a fact ? I know black makes things hot, but has it been tested somewhere that a using a black camera under normal sunny day conditions really makes more noise ? if so please post a link to the research, I am highly interested! I remember the thread about why canon made their Long L white, it was very interesting from the lens bursting into flames to a marketing ploy to make canon lenses more noticeable in a crowd at sporting events and so on.... but seriously, a long L at the football field under assignment will suffer hours of direct sun, and the long L's are big, would the small surface of the top of the black rebel really get that hot ? Please post an answer because this may be the major deciding factor for many future rebel owners ! Including myself.
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"It is well known that you get more noise from the sensors in hot conditions and that black absorbs sunlight more than silver. Therefore you get more noise from a black dRebel than a silver one."


Is it true that since the 10D and DRebel uses the same CMOS sensor but the fact that the 10D is black, 10D is prone to higher noise?

I don't have a 10D, but if thats the case why get it?

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Yakim Peled, it isnt really about the camera's color. it is about how the world sees us. Most people feel that a black camera body looks more porfessional than an orange and green one. I know because I have both. but my camera wasnt orange and green, it was purple and yellow with some red. No one took me for a pro when I was using that one, and long since I have sold it on ebay because I was getting no respect.
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Very true Danny about color playing a role.


Nothing like showing up to shoot a wedding with your silver DRebel and seeing 20D's in the audience.


Even though you know you will get the best shots, it does little to set you at ease for the job at hand.


I am not a wedding shooter, just theorizing. I actually have a wedding tale. I went to a friends wedding and a couple of the guests were using cameras. No complaints from the pro until I pulled out my M4 (with 21mm, b&w film) for an art shot. Then a 'no photos' announcement was made.


Back to the availability, where is the best current black price (from Canada I assume)?



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FP Anderson, could it be that only the pros and the zealous hobbiests know that the pro camera should be black, and the normal joe on the street wouldnt care less ? could it be that it is just our own paranoia ? If a photog takes a picture of a tree that falls down in the middle of a forest and no one is around to see him do it, is that camera black or silver ?


Ebay seller adencamera have the body only black for 1025 canadian. Shipping included., but no rebate. that comes to about 800 dollars USA, where as the silver one here from bandh goes for 799, with the possibility if it going down to 499 with rebate and lens purchases.

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Does selling the silver DRebel and buying a Black one instead qualify as an upgrade ?


Does it help improve your photography in any mentionable way ?


Does the fact that the camera body is not black, but silver make you any less of a professional ?


Is Silver is to Black the same as Amatuer is to Professional ?


Can two original digital files be compared side by side and a determination be made which one came from the Black and which one from Silver ?




- Harman

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Does selling the silver DRebel and buying a Black one instead qualify as an upgrade ?





Does it help improve your photography in any mentionable way ?

I'd say that the black wont help you improve any, but the silver may hinder your photography, say you are standing next to a pro with a 1Ds, a beautiful chick comes along and starts to talk to you both, then a beautful shot comes along.. what can you do ? go into your bag and take out the girly silver camera ? My friend, there is nothing you can do....



Does the fact that the camera body is not black, but silver make you any less of a professional ?


Blame Canon. It wont make you any less of a pro, but the world will know real quick that you got a low end camera body. All the pros use expensive cameras which is almost always black. Darn that canon, they made all their cheap bodies in silver and the world knows this. At least with the black rebel, you can whip it out of your bag, take the photo and leave before anyone realize you have a lowly rebel.


I can just imagine it in any pro situation, every pro got their 1's out, and ready to shoot the president as he gets out of the limo, maybe not the right choice of words, but anyway then you whip out the silver rebel, it's so eye catching that all the pros nudge each other, some chuckles, secret service agents giving you the evil eye.... With the black rebel, theres no reason to come up to your gear and examine it closely to see what model it is, the black wouldnt catch attention..


Is Silver is to Black the same as Amatuer is to Professional ?

Canon surely thinks so, until I see them release a 1DsM2 in silver.



Can two original digital files be compared side by side and a determination be made which one came from the Black and which one from Silver ?


With the new data authentication software used by law enforcement to verify the authenticity of digital pics .... I am sure they can find a way....................

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