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Rollei USA Service


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After using Photo.net last year to extensively research my medium

format decision, I finally settled on the Rollei 6008i. I noted many

unfavorable comments concerning the service offered by Rollei-USA.

During a recent photo trip, I managed to drop a lens and 120 back

into a river. I contacted Rollei as to what do. To make a long

story short, Carman at Rollei-USA was exceedingly helpful. They bent

over backwards to help and follow up. During my discussions with

them, I noted that they seem to be making a big effort to support the

product and help the U.S. market. I believe the U.S. warranty versus

import (ex. Robert White purchased) is still an issue, but I

understand their veiwpoint on this.


I just wanted to make a positive comment for people possibly

researching Rollei cameras, but were reluctant due to other comments

posted here from past experiences. The camera system is worth a look

if you are considering medium format. Hopefully others are seeing an

improvement at Rollei-USA

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the real problem is that over the last ten years, the rollei importer has changed a number of times, meaning that many people were involved n providing rollei warranty service. some were worse (much) than others. the current outfit is not so bad.
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