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Nikon Coolscan 8000 vs 9000


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I have recently moved and have had to pack up my wonderful darkroom.

I don't know when or even if I will be able to construct it again I

am looking to expand my horizons to digital printing. I am a medium

format B&W landscape and portrait photographer. I use 645, 6x6, and

6x9 formats. I am interested in the best possible quality scans short

of drum scanning. (1) What do you consider the best quality scanner

available. (2) I have heard that the Nikon Coolscan is a good option.

What are the diffences between the 8000 and 9000?


Thank You

Paul Minkus

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The only difference I can think of is the A/D converter is higher on the new one 16 bit. The 8000 was, I believe 12-bit? There are people who complain about streaks on the 8000, but I use Vuescan which forces 1 LED scan preventing that streak all together. If you can afford it, just go for the 9000, newer technology I suppose.. Even with the 8000, I am extremely happy with my scan.


What many fail to realize is that the quality of one's scan is also dependant on how well their negative/slide is exposed. People complain when their scans look bad when normally it's their negatives that looks like crap.

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Technical differences aside, I used to own an 8000, and now use a 9000. The 9000 produces better images. More dynamic range, more accurate colors, and much better results with negs. Sharpness is about the same, but I believe the 9000 is better in most other aspects.


I know this may not be the scientific answer you're looking for, but I don't keep accurate records. ;-)

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I don't have one, but I believe the 9000 has Digital Ice. I have been using a Polaroid SS120

with anti newton glass film holder for two years... wonderful scanner and cheap now on

the used market. The SS120 scans up to 6x9, but I even do 6x17... 2-6x9 frames merged

in Photoshop. However I do spend far too much of my time spotting.

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