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Something different ... fall colors!


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Okay I just finished catching up on Marc Williams post "Why should you

shoot film ? : a POV from a digital maven." and my brain is a little

numb. SO I thought I would post a request for you wedding shooters to

post some NON wedding work. I would like to see what you shoot for



This is not just on off topic post ... since I am currently in the

process of become professional I would like to know how you guys feel

about the importance of shooting NON wedding work. Do you feel it

helps to keep your eye from being lazy? Does it help to keep your

skills fresh? Does it help you remember why you got into shooting



For me fall makes my index finger twitch with excitement (it's fall in

my part of the world). So I try to shoot whenever I can. Attached is

an image from last weekend.<div>009pAI-20085384.jpg.20fb4c26aaa96a8d2d2fea67ec415943.jpg</div>

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There's a seasonal road just down from our sub, it's full of every tree and wild flower imagineable, wild blackberry and raspberry bushes--yummy, and it's also butted up to a corn field...my three-year-old loves taking walks with me in "the jungle". Anyway, I take along a lightweight tripod and my trusty Rebel for our walks and have most definitely found inspiration and pleasure in capturing the little things along the way. I love photographing people, but generally it requires pleasing someone else as well, so this is definitely for myself and a very nice way to unwind. Here's a shot from last week.<div>009pAt-20085484.jpg.9745592fe5a5562f14123f27f8fb1a6f.jpg</div>
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I think part of the passion that drives being an artist is always having an awareness of

beautiful moments. And if your tool to capture those moments is a camera, than that's

what you'll use when inspiration strikes. I don't really see it as practicing or "keeping your

eye from being lazy" but rather as an awareness of the world around you and the ability to

keep an open mind so that you can be inspired at any moment.


I'm sorry I don't have a fall picture to share- but I did see some amazingly large maple

leaves that inspired me the other day and today I was inspired by the striking contrast of a

light bark tree against it's dark red leaves, unfortunately I didn't have a camera on me for

either of those occassions. Usually I do have a camera so<a href="http://

homepage.mac.com/annetics/PhotoAlbum96.html"> here's a page full of "just for fun"

pictures from various things.</a><BR><BR>

And this is where I'd like to be when winter comes around...<BR>

<img src="http://homepage.mac.com/annetics/.Pictures/Photo%20Album%20Pictures/


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Yep ! I shoot all sorts of things all the time for fun and leisure as well, to keep myself amused and experimenting. Fall is always exciting for me and it's like a little kid in a lolly store. Here's a shot from 6 momths ago during fall. I am in Australia way downunder, so we are heading into the middle of spring now.


Keep on shooting !



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