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An invitation to my first formal B&W exhibition. . .


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Following the lead of another Florida photographer, I would like to

invite anyone who happens to be in the North Florida area to visit the

Alachua County Administration building, 2nd Floor, located on the

corner of University Avenue and Main Street in downtown Gainesville,

Florida. Here you will find 24 b&w images from several formats that I

have taken over the last 30 years.


Artreach' "Art in Public Places" has allowed me to hang my exhibit for

the next six weeks. I call the show "Doing the camera bag drag!" The

majority of images are photos of opportunity. Meaning I did not plan

them, but found them while "dragging a camera about."


About a third are 4X5, another third 6X9cm and then the rest are 35mm

from my very old and extremely reliable Nikon F.


Thank You, Paul

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Hello Howard,


I can try to scale down the images and post them here on photo.net but I was wondering if you know, or if there is a moderator for this forum who can advice me??? Am I allowed to post a link to my webpage? Most of the images in the show are posted in my b&w section. However, I think you are right and I should post the current exhibit as well.


Thank You for asking, I will find an answer and let you know. I am not thuroughly familiar with all the photo.net rules of etiquette.

Thank You for your kind interest,


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Thank You, I am going to post this link because it is the same as that I have on my Photo.Net personal data page. If I am wrong would a forum moderator please let me know???


This address will take you to my personal photographic exhibit. The B&W section contains the bulk of the images that I have hung in my downtown exhibit. Please enjoy your visit and Thank You for your interest, Paul

go to;




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