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Bronica EC-TL II or Bronica ETRS


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This is my first post in the MF forum. I have the opportunity to buy

either a Bronica EC-TL (with 40mm Zenzanon, 75mm Nikon, 200mm

Zenzanon, 2x converter) or a Bronica ETRS (with 3 Zenzanons 50mm,

80mm, 150mm, sidegrip, 2 backs, additional TTL viewfinder, polaback)

from a retired photographer in my area. My question is - which one

should I take, which one is more reliable? The price is the same for

each unit.


I've read everything about the EC-TL at cameraquest.com, but couldn't

find either suitable reviews about the ETRS, nor comparisons.


Both equipments are very used, but still ready to shoot with. I have

passed one roll through each camera, the negs were sharp and contrasty.


I liked the ETRS for the size and manageability (especially the grip),

but disliked the fact that the picture in the viewfinder is "gone"

after a shot, and you need to reload before you see anything again. On

the other side, I liked the TTL metering and automatics on the EC-TL

II, the focus handlebar, and the more extreme focal lenghts of the

lenses (40mm and 200mm instead of the ETRS' 50mm and 150mm).


I'm coming from 35mm rangefinder photography (Leica,

Cosina/Voigtlander), and I am a non-professional. The camera would be

used regularly, that means a few rolls a month. I process my negs and

prints myself (old Durst Laborator small-medium-large-format enlarger).


Thanks very much for every advice!


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As far as I know the EC-TL II can only be repaired by Frank Marshman any more, and the

EC's split mirror, while apparently fantastic for long lenses, does have a reputation for

being difficult to repair if it goes out of alignment. So that might decide it for you right



You seem to like the lenses on the EC-TL more, and the body's just a box to put lenses on,

so if I ignored the maintenance issue I'd point you toward that.


IMHO, neither one of those cameras is at its best off a tripod (and on one they're

delightful). But you have 35mm gear for

handholding anyway.


I have an S2A and love it, so for me the EC-TL would be the winner, mostly because I know

the lenses will be fine and don't mind the idea of sending the "new" camera out to

Marshman for a CLA. For you, you're going to have to look at the tradeoffs.

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