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Adaptation adventure: 90mm Hexanon on Mamiya TLR


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My recent Mamiya 80mm tlr lens was a bit scratched up (both

viewing and taking front elements) and flare-prone. Tinkering

around, I realized that the 80 uses a standard Copal 0 shutter.

'Hmm,' I thought, 'I've got a bunch of 90mm/3.5 Koni/Rapid

Omega Hexanon/Omegon elements sitting around from a bulk

lot I bought long ago. What if?...'


A bit of hacking later, I've now got a hybrid 'Koni-Omiya' 90/3.1 or

thereabouts. Strangely, the viewing lens was toughest, as I had

to seriously file down the metal rim of a front Koni front element

in order to squeeze it into the small mount allotted for it. But it

worked fine. Mounting the taking lens required removing a

couple plastic cover pieces from the standard Mamiya shutter,

but I was able to effectively replace them with a rim/hood using

cobbled spare parts from other junk.


Some examples of shots from the new Frankenlens

('Frankenon'?) are attached. I'm trying to optimize the shim depth

for bokeh, and may still have some adjustment to do. Please

note that the vertical fog strips along the sides of the shots is a

camera (lightleak) issue not specific to this lens or shutter.


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