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Tokina 80-200 for 20d


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Looking for a longish for my pair of 20d's. Currently have the 18-

55 kit lenses (not great but cheap for infrequent use). Also have a

28-70 f:2.8 L series which is awesome. Looking for a 70/80-200 for

occasional shots from rear of temle/church. Hate to spend 1500 yet

need good speed. A friend has a Tokina for Nikon D100 which he

swears by. Looking at a Tokina AT-X 828 AF Pro auto focus 80-200.

About $610 from Adorama. Can't tell if front of lens rotates during

focusing. I like the Cokin system so that's not good.



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I had the previous Tokina model for awhile and for those dollars I would rather buy the used Canon EF 80-200mm f2.8 L or a brand new Canon EF 200mm f2.8 L. You have a lot of money in bodies and one medium zoom so why jeopardize a good thing. Actually, considering that you already have a 70mm f2.8 L I would go for the 200/2.8 L prime. Zoom with one camera and have a still relatively light and easy to use telephoto on the other. Good luck.
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Optically, this lens is okay, rated a bit lower by photodo.com than the canon or sigma equivalents. If af speed is no big issue for you, I would recommend it. Have a look at these pics, taken indoors at the zoo on a 10D:

<br><a href=http://maf.ma.funpic.de/photo_show.php?photoId=171&showCat=9&expandCat=9&lang=de> pic1</a>

<br><a href=http://maf.ma.funpic.de/photo_show.php?photoId=210&page=1&showCat=10&expandCat=9&lang=de> pic2</a>


<a href=http://maf.ma.funpic.de/photo_show.php?photoId=190&page=1&showCat=9&expandCat=9&lang=de> pic3</a>


The front lens is not critical, since the filter does not attach directly to it, but to the frame around it that does not rotate.


btw: got mine good as new from eBay for a bit more than 300 EUR, so maybe this is an option, too.


<p>Have fun,


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