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First time Travel with big tripod and lens


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Need urgent advice on how to pack big tripod

and lens for travel. I'm planning to take the

lens with me (500mm, 13" long 7LB) in the carry

in luggage and pack the tripod in check-in bag

for my trip to florida this friday.


Does any of the airlines will stop you from carrying

the camera with us? Considering the size and weight

it can be treated as a weapon for terrorists :)


Planning to pack the tripod between dresses. So that it should

be safe too..


Any advice??


Thanks in advance


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The airlines will give you no problem carrying the big lens and camera as long as the bag it is in is the proper carry-on size. Take the head off of your tripod and take the head apart as much as possible. I have had the airlines break parts on my tripod head twice because the handles or a release lever stuck out to one side. Wrap everything well in the suitcase remembering it will probably be unwrapped and inspected, but not rewrapped as well as you did it.
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If you know where you'll be staying and they'll except a package for you you can ship your tripod on ahead UPS, and ship it back the day before you fly home. It'll cost more but you won't have some goon in the airport trying to bust your tripod with one hand while he's pawing through your underwear with the other.
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Hi Jemini, I have packed both my old 600mm and newer 500mm in a carry on bag and brought it on board, put in the overhead, about 5 to 6 times with no problems. Originally I had expected them to want to look through the lens, but it never happened. A friend of mine tells me they can see 'makeup' of the lens better than I thought (via the carry-on Xray machine). I can't confirm firsthand exactly how well they can determine the internal integrity of a big lens, but it seems to be well enough to let us bird photog types through with no hassle. :) We carry a laptop also, which I have unpacked and ready for inspection... it gets more scrutiny than the lens.


Have fun in Florida! -Greg-

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Thanks Mike, Steve and Greg. This is what I was looking for. I'll be carrying the lens in a 21" carry in bag which is the standard size for airline travel..


I'll make sure I pack the tripod well between dresses. The head is Kirk BH-1 ball head. So there's not much levers around. Still I'll remove it from tripod and pack it seperate...


Thanks again..


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I have flown with my 500mm/f4 many times. The only time I had problem was that I also had a 300mm/f2.8 in my carry on.


Definitely pack the ballhead separately from your tripod. If you have an extra pair of shoes, perhaps try to fit the ballhead inside the shoe for extra protection (depending on your shoe size). Otherwise, wrap it with penty of clothing.

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I always pack my tripod in a big Samsonite suitcase. The ballhead goes off and I usually first pack it in a small plastic box (like a lunch box) and pad it with some socks. The only problem is that the weigth of the suitcase together with tripod and ballhead is already about half of what is allowed, leaving not too much for other things and clothes.


To take a 500mm lens into the plane is not too much of a problem. Just pack it into a small backpack. I have used a ProTrekker a few times, but that is too big. So I bought a smaller PhotoTrekker for flying. Here in Europe the main problem for cabin luggage is weight.


I only once had a security guy inspect my lens. That was almost 15 years ago in Kenya. He was in fact more curious about what that big lens was. So I joked and told him it was a rocket launcher. He laughed and just wanted to look through the lens. I am sure these days it is not very wise to make such a joke, to the humor-challenged security staff.

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Just make sure your ballhead and tripod go into your checked baggage. Make sure the ballhead is not attached to the tripod. Anything that can be considered a "tool" needs to go into your checked baggage regardless of its size or weight. If you carry a "tool" in your carryon luggage it is subject to confiscation. The TSA considers ballheads and tripods tools--at least that is what they have told me. Joe Smith
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Thanks a lot guys. I've packed tripod and head in seperate boxes and kept in the check-in luggage. I packed the ball head in bubble warap and then kept in middle of the bag so that there're cloths on both sides. Tripod is in it's own box packed with plastic air filled bags.

Big lens and camera are in a carry in bag. I guess I can go with confidence now...Cheers..

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