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Numbering system / switching CF cards

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Rookie problem...I'm finding after a day of shooting, I return to the

office for editing & I have a couple cards with photographs having

the same numbers (i.e. 2 cards with DSC_001) one of which may be a

formal before the wedding & the other may be a candid at the

reception just after I've changed cards. Camera is Nikon D100.


There has to be a better way to manage these files both in camera and

after download into the computer. So far I've been batch-renaming in

PS7, but then they're often out of order. HELP save me some time,

please. Thanks in advance.

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Rename the files using the EXIF data. Use the format YYYY_MMDD_HHMMSS, where Y is year, M is month, D is day of month, H is hour, M is minute, and S is seconds using the 24 hr time scheme. My son has the Nikon D70 and the Nikon software that came with the D70 willl rename the files using this format when they are downloaded to the computer. This will automatically put them in the correct order and you can put them in the same folder.
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The Nikon software is not limited to just renaming the file when downloaded from the camera. My son does not have a card reader, so have not tried that, but he did rename files when downloaded from a CD. I had his files stored on a digital wallet and supplied him with a CD containing his NEF files and he renamed them using the Nikon software as they were copied from the CD to the computer. I think this would also work if downloaded from the digital wallet.
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