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M5 Finder "upgrade" and framelines for 35 and 28

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I just got back my M5 from an overhaul at LEICA in Solms. They changed

the original framelines, which I didn?t want, but maybe the old ones

were broken or couldn?t be reinstalled. Now I have the standard M6

framelines (28/90, 50/75, 35/135) and I can live with it but something

disturbs me: The lower horizontal framelines for 28 and 35 are missing

and I have to guestimate the lower edge of the frame. Is that


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My M5 had M6 frames in it as purchased. They showed lower lines for 28 and 35.


Try moving your eye up a bit to see if they appear just to see how bad the problem is. I`m afraid it has to go back for rerepair. May as well tell them to put the originals back in.


I think the frameline mask is out of position, but I`m not an expert.

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Try aggressively switching the frame-line selector back and forth. This sometimes will fix a misalignment problem. If that doesn't work, I would box it up and send it back with a curt letter requesting they fix it right. I also would point out it was a "repair" I did not request.

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If I sent in my M2 or M2R for cla and they "upgraded " the frames I would be fit to be tied.


I sent in a M4-2 for a hot shoe failure under warrantee and requested a quote on finder upgrade to M4p which was $100 in 1987 and the camera came back with the upgrade and I didn`t pay for it as I never received or acceptet the quote.

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I shoot with M5s exclusively and all have been upgraded with the new finder. As I wear glasses I find the bottom frameline of the 28 frame necessitates movine my eye slightly. Itv takes an hour or so of using that lens, to get the hang of it.

It's worth it to be able to have the 75Mm frame lines.

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Thanks to all of You for the quick answers.


I checked everything. The lower framlines just aren?t there. Now I know that this is not "normal" because Your upgraded M5s have those missing lines. I will contact LEICA in Solms and will let You know what they tell me and what they will do about it. By the way, the cost of the overhaul was 676 Euro and they did not charge for the finder "upgrade".

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The new rangefinder frame for the M5 does not have the bottom line for the 28mm or 35mm framelines. The lines would interfere with the meter read-out bar. There is no 35mm bottom frameline in the original M5 frame either, for this very reason. Solms gave you a new frame, perhaps the one you had was decemented. They meant well. Do not send it back. It is perfectly correct. My favorite camera! Sherry Krauter
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