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PS - Adjusting perspective in ONE layer?

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In Photoshop how to do I adjust the perspective in one layer without affecting

the other ones?


I have an image in one layer that I want to adjust the perspective on so the

edges line up with the edges of an image in another layer. That's why I want to

do it in layers, so I can have it semi-transparent so I can see when I have them

lined up. (otherwise I would just do the perspective adjustment in a whole

separate image and combine the layers afterwards)


But Phostoshop does its perspective adjustment as part of the cropping tool and

that affects ALL layers. Is there another way to do this? FWIW I'm using PS CS

(version .


Thanks in advance.

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<p>I use Elements 3, so I can't say for sure if the same thing exists in your version. As well, I've never tried what you're trying to do. So what I'm suggesting may or may not be possible for you.</p>


<p>But in Elements 3, there are two ways of fixing perspective. One is the cropping tool you've found. The other is under Image -> Transform. The latter only works on a layer (and creates a new one if you're working on an image without layers), so while I've never tried doing it on an image with multiple layers, it seems reasonable to think that it would alter one layer without affecting others.</p>

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Anything you do under the "Edit" menu effects only the layer (or selection) that you are working on. For example Edit>transform>Perspective. Anything under the "Image" menu effects the entire image. Anything under the "Selection" menu effects only the selection (the marching ants) and not what is inside the selection. Lowering the Opacity of the layer you are working on only effects it's visibility.




Adobe CTI Photoshop

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