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anyone live near brighton beach?

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Just FYI (not sure how much research you've already done): Brooklyn's Brighton Beach is a primarily Russian and Ukrainian immigrant enclave.. not sure if you'll make contact with very many documentary photogs who actually live and do their work in that area.. although you may have better luck searching the remainder of Brooklyn, or neighboring Manhattan or Queens. Bonne chance.
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Why is it no one reads ? He said Brighton ENGLAND...


You know that island nation off the north coast of Europe where

a lot of the US originated from .... The place where George Bush set up Tony to get yelled at in the house of commons so much ;{)


Geeze people, give him a break. I'm in New England, but will come work with you for expenses....;{)

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I live in Melbourne, Australia, and there is a Brighton Beach (suburb). I wished I lived there but I don't.


It is a very affluent suburb with really nice houses and luxury cars abound. Do give me a buzz if you are doing some sort of "Brighton" project. Will be fun !



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i've been photographing brighton beach (england) for the last 3 years. shooting only black and white and with leicas. i want to make contact with other photographers (pro or amateur) with a view to create a short term cooperative of photographers to work on the following projects;


1. 24 hrs in brighton.. (we all shoot for 24hrs!)


2. an exhibition of images under the title 'this is brighton'. this will include images from the 24 hr project and those that we have already shot by the time an exhibition is ready to show. ideally this will become a travelling show...


3. a book... i've published 1 book and co written another so i have a little experiance.


all 3 projects will require time and money... the 24hr project could happen within the next month.. the exhibition will take at least a year. it would be ideal to publish the book to coincide with the exhibitions etc... its possible that a book publisher could be found but i would rather self publish..


i have in mind certain criteria for the project...


1. the project is about a place called 'brighton' wherever in the world that may be.. (england, usa, oz, nz etc..) as i believe brighton (england) is the first ever brighton and its by the sea the project should be about anywhere thats called brighton and is by the sea!


2. all images must be shot with leica glass.. (voightlander and hexar bodys can be used).


3. all images will be reproduced as b&w... i would prefer that all images were shot on b&w film...


4. no digital!


if your interested email me;photosw@hotmail.com




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