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is the sky at ankor wat hazy in march?


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hello all,


i am currently taveling in SE Asia. i am wondering if the skies around

ankor wat will be hazy in the 1st week of march. last year i was in

Myanmar in march and may. the skies were very hazy and it was dry. i

returned in october and i had blue skies and very green scenery. i have

been in thailand for 4-5 months. when i was in sukothai in dec i had

very good weather, no hazy. on my trip through this time in late jan. i

have found more hazy conditions. i am in Chaing Mai now and again

more haze!


i should be able to guess that it will be hazy in Ankor too. so from some

one who knows, what will the skies be like in ankor in early march?

beautifully blue or overcast and hazy?




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If I remember rightly, the skies were a bit hazy when I was there in the last week of Feb 2002. But there were still some blue sky moments. Unfortunately, all my images from that trip are in storage in Australia, and I'm in Taiwan, so I can't check the prints to find out for sure.


OT - I'll be in Thailand from Feb 2 until Feb 20. Planning on heading up through the north-east (Isan region). If you're anywhere around that area then, send me an email and we could maybe meet up for some shooting.




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Yes, they are. If you like to have blue skies, you have to go after rainy seazon. By the way, work in Angkor area is now much harder then was, because foreiners are not allowed to drive any vehicle except for bikes. I'm now in Phom-Phen, and I left from Siem Reap soon this year, because was really annoying to travel with rented driver. I'm so happy have my work done in Angkor. I'll be back after better times come.

Hazy weather isn't so bad for sunrise pictures as well, so I got quite good 4 days ago.

Good luck.

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heres a simple rule to follow when in a lot of south east asian countries...


if theres a letter 'R' in the month... then its going to be a Rainy month.


example... septembeR, octobeR, novembeR, decembeR, maRch, apRil.... you should expect rain. and if theres rain in humid places, then expect it to be hazy. but if you get up in the early morning, you can find that this will be to your advantage when taking photographs.. as you'll have more 3-dimensionality to your pics.

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