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batteries and WalMart

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I tried to purchase three four-packs of NiMH AAs, and two 2CR5s for

my photo equipment at Wal Mart last night and the register alerted

the cashier that the limit on battery purchases was four items, so I

made two seperate purchases. Does anyone know why battery purchases

are being limited? I could speculate that it is to reduce hoarding

of batteries due to fear of terrorist attacks, but that is just


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They have a policy about Lithium batteries since they can be used for the production of methamphetamines. I suspect they have the system programmed to alert for any battery sales or someone may have confused the Li+ and NiMH. Or, were the CR5s Li--you hit your limit with those right off.


You'll find similar limits on the purchase of pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) as well for the same reasons.

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Being unfamiliar with the ingredients for methamphetamines, this thread prompted me to look into the issue and, what do you know, law enforcement has turned to retailers for help in identifying meth makers since the ingredients are widely available, including lithium batteries. I even found a site with a recipe for meth that recommended meth makers buying lots of lithium batteries use the excuse that they were photographers shooting a big wedding. Yet another reason to detest druggies. The site contained the following cautions I found humorous:<p>

"Try not to electrocute your dambself"<p>

"Be careful; this is the step where lots of fools set their houses on fire."<p>

"[T]he mixture has a tendency to foam semi-explosively."<p>

"[Gas formed in the process is] deadly poison and will dissolve plastics and tarnish metal, including stainless steel."<p>

What idiots.

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