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Anyone ever had their 10D seized up on them?

david choo

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It's happened twice now, I'm not certain why it happens, was

wondering if anyone experienced this problem.


I was out on a shoot, i'm guessing it was about 90-95 degrees out,

semi humid.


I had shot a series of shots, about 50 or 60 and then the camera

seized up.


None of the controls worked any longer... this was after the buffer

cleared. Batteries were fresh and charged.


Did i press a wrong button? Or does the 10D have some kind of lock

out until it's done with something?


So it wouldn't turn off... took out the batteries, (prayed a little

hoping the buffer was clear) and then restarted the camera. Had to

reset my settings and start again.

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Yes it happened with my 10D many times. Most of the times only after a long day of shoot at weddings. I had to do exactly the same thing like you did. I lived with it for about 2 months and during that time I had about 10 freezes. Then finally I decided to get it exchanged. Luckily I had purchased a 4 year replacement warrenty from Best Buy and they did not asked any question and replaced the camera with a brand new one. Well not immediately because they did not have it in stock in the store and they gave me a refund on my Best Buy Card and ordered a new one online at Bestbuy.com.
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Happened to my 10D about 3 times so far. Turning on and off the camera a

couple of times seemed to work. One time the main dial on the back stopped

working ... and it took me more than half a day to realise that the secondary

switch controlling the settings/dial was turned off! I never thought of that, as I

leave the secondary switch permanently switched on - I never turn it off - but

somehow I must have accidentally turned it off.

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Hmm, looks like i'm not the only one with this problem. Well goin on a very hot weather shoot soon, lets see if it happens again.


The only thing i remember was that it was an extreme condition. Hot and humid. I remember dripping sweat as I was trying to get the shot. Camera was tripod mounted. Stood in those conditions for about an hour before the camera seized.


I don't mind having to turn it off and on or even reset my settings as i do so before most shots anyhow... I'm just worried it'll do it mid write... on a job... that could be a very stressful situation.


Maybe the best thing to do is send it into Canon.

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If your camera was sitting in direct sunlight for an extended period of time in a hot environment it may well have overheated. Keep in mind it is a black camera and will collect heat rather than reflect it. The internal temps may have gotten excessive causing it to shut down or malfunction. Just a theory.


Rick H.

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<i>Keep in mind it is a black camera and will collect heat rather than reflect it.</i>

<br> <br>

I believe that is more because it is shiny opposed to being black. If it were a charcoal black, it might not get as hot. The problem with shiny black is that the bounce of light off of it is going to result in a higher energy collision than light not bouncing off it. That's why shiny objects get really hot in the sun.

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shiny black versus charcoal black


10D is metal body more so than a digital rebel. Metal is a heat conductor, it absorbs and loses heat alot easier than plastics. Kept the camera out of direct sunlight whenever not shooting (ie. opaque camera bag), this should be a priority considering that digital noise is correlated with temperature.


Interesting the camera locks up, what could cause this - A temperature sensor that deliberately switches off the camera. Is it fair to say that there is more computer hardware on board a digital camera than a film based model. Perhaps there should be an emergency fan linked up to a temperature sensor? Wait and see in the next model...


Regards David

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Slightly different but possibly the same problem, my 300d has been causing problems recently often with 'error 99' or similar. The whole thing siezes up. It is mainly associated with long lenses so I was wondering about the connection and the rubber seals, perhaps the contacts are not pressing tight enough and the strain of a long lens is breaking contact for a brief moment. I have taken about 7000 pictures and it has happened about 10 times in the past couple of hundred images when I have mainly been using these 100-400IS, 500f4 lenses.

In fact with the 500+1.4x converter there are problems perhaps 20% of the time with wrong or no information being sent to the viewfinder and having to waggle the lens about or switch off and reset, I don't class these as siezing up as you can see this problem before pressing the shutter release. On a couple of occasions it has said it is a 500mm f2.5 lens which would be nice but the images just come out too dark when you press the button.

Siezing has also happened once or twice with other lenses.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My rebel freezes from time to time when having trouble focusing on extreme low light. It jams up, and if i turn it off it still seems to be on. After a few seconds it turns off automatically (more like sleeps) and when I turn it on again, the last image is corrupted.
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