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Nikon Coolscan 8000 or Polaroid 120 ?


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I've heard of banding problem with the Nikon Coolscan and wonder if

Nikon is fixing it with a new version or a new model because most of

the mail order stores, I've checked with, are out of stock. Does

anybody know about this? Or if you are using either the Nikon or

Polaroid, please give your advice. Thanks in advance.

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I origonally wanted the Nikon, but was unwilling to wait for who knows how long. I bought the Polaroid in August of last year and have been satisfied in every respect. Only later I read about the numerous problems with the 8000, and now I am more glad than ever I have the 120. One pass scanning gives almost zero shadow noise, focus has been uniform and excellent. The one modification I made to the 120 film holder is to widen the opening with a file then paint the edges flat black. Clean your film prior to scanning and dust spotting will be minimal - even canned air alone works wonders.


Steve Boothe

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I`ve just brought an 8000. The results when scanning 6x7 slides is better than I`ve ever achieved from wet or dry when printed on the 1290 on premium glossy to A3 plus.


When you use all of the features it isn`t fast but it sure is good and the scratch and dust software is great.


I`ve had a couple of problems with the film flatness when scanning end of roll stuff and have ordered the glass carrier( from Robert White who was the cheapest)


Out of interest I had a couple of slides scanned on the flextight from a local firm at 26Mb each. I sorted them out in PS and was chuffed, then the 8000 arrived and there aint much in it but for my money the 8000 scans just had the edge. I named them in just numbers and asked my partner Anne to choose what she considered the sharpest and then the most pleasing and she went for the 8000 scans on both counts. Now she ain`t a photographer but has been around me and my obsession with quality for long enough to know what she is looking at.


I`ve seen No banding what so ever with scans from plain blue skies.

Anyone want to ask anymore questions and about the glass carrier when it comes then be my guest.


Dave C davechilvers@btinternet.com

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I had both the LS-8000 and the SS120 and returned both. The LS-8000 I had was one of the first in the country and I had major problems with it. Those problems included banding and instability. When it worked it produced great scans. I returned it in favor of the SS120 which also produced great scans but I missed Digital ICE.


I was going to wait for Nikon to fix their problems but Minolta came out with the Scan Multi Pro so I tried that. I has certain advantages and disadvantages compared to the others but the scan quality is at least as good.

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Thank you all for your advice. I am in the midle of a 3 way road now. I'ld really like to have the ICE from the Nikon (I am using Nikon LS-2000 for my 35mm), but I cannot afford to have its instability and banding problems. Maybe I will just wait a while hoping Nikon will fix the problems soon... maybe...


Thanks again.

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