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I have a D-30 and plan on keeping it. I just pre-ordered a 10D and will use the D-30 as a backup or use if for purely web based activities (images for web sites). I don't know if 5-6 will happen. I know it will eventually, just not sure in two months. I think most like me would rather keep it than sell it for that.



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Even the upgraders will keep their D30's as backup cameras. Why? They still use the same lenses, batteries, and compact flash cards and they still take great pictures. They're also not very heavy. Even for an amateur going on vacation, an old D30 would be a great backup for a new 10D.
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The sale price on D30s may be $900, but I don't think they'll be selling many at that price!


I'm also not sure why you need a backup. I suppose in case of failure it's nice to have something, but since you can change ISO and effectively shoot B&W and color on one DSLR, the need for a second body is much diminished.


With film I'd carry one body with Velvia, one with B&W film and one with medium/high speed slide film. No need for that with digital. I think I'm more likely to carry a film backup to my DSLR rather than a second DSLR.

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I'd buy a D30 right now for $500. (Instead I bought an Elan for $100)


If (big IF) I had the money right now, and if I could get one in reasonable shape.


I would foresee using it as sort of a "polaroid" back. That, and take photos with it ;) I think I'm being slowly seduced to the charms of digital...

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I imagine people shooting with primes could still benefit from two DSLR camera bodies. I don't shoot digital (yet) but I know that I sometimes use my A2E and my Elan7E together with something like my 24mm and 85mm primes. It makes my life with primes a little easier.

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