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2 profiled monitors look different??

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I have a LaCie 19" EB IV and an Optiquest 17" Q71, both running on

a Matrox G450 Dual Head. I have recently purchaced an Gretag McBeth

Eye One Display System, and have calabrated both monitors. After

Calibration, the monitors look quite different with regards to their

display of colors. Greys are quite a bit darker on the newer LaCie,

and Whites are WHITE on the old Optiquest. This is in contradiction

to what I was expecting. I had expected that both monitors should be

quite close with regards to the colors they display. The new LaCie

seems duller, and the whites are rather yellow, where as my 4 year

old Optiquest seems quite vibrant, and the whites are real white

(when compared to the LaCie). I calibrated both monitors with the

Eye One Display, in the dark, and with the Eye One Match Software. I

chose a white point of 6500K for the LaCie. Why should the whites be

yellow? The text on my LaCie seems blury...Is this normal for this

monitor?? I have only one light in the far corner of the room that

is a normal incandecent bulb. One more question... How do you adjust

the individual RGB Values with the LaCie 19" EB IV??


Thankyou for your help with this matter


Calvados Boulard.

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Hello Calvados,


Eye-One can only profile one display for each video card you have installed on your system. If you have two monitors, but only one video card, you should choose one monitor (likely your LaCie) as your color critical display and leave the other for tools, palletes and other non color critical stuff.


I suggest that you callibrate your monitor which you consider the color critical once more as things might got messed up in case the wrong profile for the wrong monitor got loaded after you callibrate two monitors.

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Hello John...


My video card the Matrox 450, allows for 2 different resolutions and color profiles to be used...I can verify this in the video display control panel. The graphics card appears as 2 individual graphics cards in the device manager. The problem I've been experiencing takes place regardless of which monitor I profile. I haven't had a problem thus far with the Eye One Display not wanting to calibrate or profile either of my monitors. That being said I will try deleting the profile for my Optiquest, and re-profiling my LaCie to see if there is any difference. What White point should be chosen for the LaCie? Does anyone know how to adjust the individual RGB Chanels on the LaCie?



Calvados Boulard.

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"Eye-One can only profile one display for each video card you have installed on your system. If you have two monitors, but only one video card, you should choose one monitor (likely your LaCie) as your color critical display and leave the other for tools, palletes and other non color critical stuff."


Does this apply to Macs as well? I have 2 20 inch Cinema Display (one old one and one of the new aluminum models) that I profiled with the Eye-One Display and have noticed that they look different as well. (I have no idea what video card my G5 has, but I assume there's only one card). I assumed that this was because they are different pieces of hardware, despite the fact that they're both named "Cinema Displays." Nonetheless, you would think that after profiling, they would look the same -- after all, the whole point of a profile is to conform your display to an abjective standard yes?

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I don't have the same card so I can't really test it, however, you can try this. Go to Desktop> Right Click> Properties> Settings> Advanced> Color Management. This will tell you what profile the system believes you are using.


I remember reading that Windows only allows support for a single monitor profile, regardless of number of graphics cards. Checking the setting above should tell you if there is any way to switch - if you only see one profile, that's it. When I had two monitors on two separate cards, I could never find any way to get around the Windows limitation.

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On a Mac you can profile and use both profiles.


Frankly, I sometimes wonder if it's worth the hassle. IF you're using the 2nd display for

palettes, I'm not sure how useful it is to profile it. It's doable (on a Mac) but just be sure

you have the correct profile for the correct display always being used. Photoshop on the

Mac will support this just fine if you feel the need to do it.


Andrew Rodney


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The problem you are having seems to be due to Windows not handling two

monitor profiles simultaneously. However, even if you were able to get past that (which might not be possible with a single Windows computer), your two calibrated monitors would still look different.

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This is a well known issue running dual displays on a Windows system.


From Matrox Tech Support: "Note that when in WinXP, the OS will not allow you to load 2 ICC profiles. In this case, the software developer will have to modify their application in order for it to work on multi head cards as in our Coloreal bundle."



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Thankyou all for your help...


I'm currently running Win 2000 Pro. I tried to delete all the profiles for my two monitors. Windows didn't like me deleting the factory profiles for either monitor, so I left them there, and profiled only the LaCie. Same story...still looks yellow. I then re-profiled my Optiquest, and after such noticed that the whites were closer than they were before. Perhaps I was using a cooler White Point on the optiquest. My desktop is set to middle grey (128,128,128), and appears darker on my LaCie than it does on the old Optiquest. Is this how it should be?? Also if someone could tell me how to adjust the individual RGB Channels on the LaCie that would be stellar... Is the text on the LaCie supposed to be this blurry???





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