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Fisheye for 20d?


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So after debating between the d70 and the 20d, I am deciding to go

with the 20d. One problem is that I shoot skateboard photography and a

fisheye lens is needed some of the time. I can't seem to find any

fisheyes that will work for any of the digital cannons. Am I not

looking in the right place? Or does anyone have any suggestions of

lenses for me to check out?

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Any fisheye that works for film EOS should work for digital EOS (older lenses sometimes need to be re-chipped). The only difference is the 1.6 crop factor will reduce the bowl effect because you?d be capturing only the middle 40% of the lens.
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<p>Not that I've been looking for one, mind you, but I haven't heard of any fisheyes specifically for cropped digital sensors, so unless there's one that I've missed, you'll have to put up with less than the full effect.</p>


<p>I know nothing about this lens' reputation, but you might want to check out Sigma's 8mm fisheye. Canon's 15mm fisheye is a full-frame design - 180 degrees from corner to corner (on a 35mm frame). Sigma's one is a circular design - a 180 degree view projected into a circle that fits within the 35mm frame. Cropped by the 1.6 sensor, a circular fisheye would give you a wider view than a full-frame one.</p>

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I think any Canon fisheye should work on the 20D but I assume that you won't be happy with the image after the 1.6 crop factor makes it much less fisheyed.<p>Nikon makes a special 10.5mm DX fisheye lens for their digital cameras (1.5X crop) which is roughly equivalent to a 16mm fisheye lens on a 35mm camera.<p>You may want to try an 8mm fisheye lens which should make one of the circular images. After the 1.6 crop it may look more like a full frame 16mm style fisheye.
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It isn't completely clear what you need the fisheye for. I have a Canon 15mm fisheye lens.

When cropped in any of the 1.6x crop factor DSLRs, it becomes like a really wide angle

lens, but you don't have the full 180 degree view. If you need very wide angle, this is a

good solution. If you truly need a complete 180 view, then this will not work on any of the

1.6x cameras. Canon has a new 10-22mm lens coming out, with the EF-S mount

specifically for this camera. I'm not sure what the angle of view is for that lens with the

1.6x crop factor, but that lens may be a good solution for you as well. This lens is

supposed to hit retailers in November, last I heard.

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I've been quite pleased with my new Sigma 15mm fish on my 10D. I threw the lens on my 7E for fun and found it much too wide to be able to use regularly (unless you're able to get within 3-5 inches of your subject regularly). However, its just what I was looking for, for a wide-angle on my 10D (even de-fishing it with panotools has produced great results and still wide enough for my uses). Like others mentioned, you might want to wait and look at the Canon 10-22mm, since its specially made for the 20D (and 300D), more expensive than the Sigma 15mm, but if you really need the zoom the price shouldnt be a factor.
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Thanks everyone for your help. Someone mentioned the new 10-22mm lens that cannon just released, unfortunately it isnt a fisheye or my problems would be solved. I really wanted to try to avoid 3rd party glass, but it looks like my only options are the sigma or peleng 8mm which would give me about a 13mm with the dSLR. Now I just got to figure out which is a sharper lens, opinions?
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See the examples. All the fisheyes are naturally have incredible DOF and probably all are have aberrations on the "sides". I think the question is how much money you want to pay for such a lens.

If you can wait for a few days I will take a few samples with my fisheye and provide a url for the full-size images.

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Reading that Pauck review above, on the Peleng lens, I note that:

1) The image circle is apparently slightly larger than the width of a 35mm negative, so you don't get a full circular image on a 35mm negative. More to the point, that means it is slightly over 24mm diameter, if you care to scale that out relative to your sensor size.

2) The lens will not clear the mirror on some cameras. Make sure that someone is using this lens on THIS MODEL of camera before you order!

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Choice between sigma & peleng. I've used both - the peleng one first, which got dumped because it had bad flare. It also hit the mirror in FM (nikon) Since the 20d has small mirror, this won't be a problem. Sigma was _much_ better, a bit soft, but with flare much more under control.


The reviews above are pretty much consistent with my experience.

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Peleng 8mm fisheye with EOS adapter works perfectly on my 10D.


Let's not forget this is a cheap lens: I always close it down to f/11 when I use it, and it then gives quite decent quality. After all, I don't use a fisheye every day, so a $200 investment was just right for my needs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Adam,


There's a couple samples of a Canon 15mm on a 1.6x body (a D60 though) below. There's also the option of getting a second hand 1d instead of the 20d. I haven't seen any samples yet of the 1d with a 15mm fish (if anyone has any samples please post them) as it's got the 1.3x crop but could be interesting.


I think I'm just going to use my film body with a fish eye if I need it and a digital for everything else.





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