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Mamiya light baffle "problem"


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As you all know by now, I am brand new to Medium format photography

and my first purchase was a Mamiya RB67 Pro s. I considered the

purchase a steal until about an hour ago. I was able to obtain the

manual and I'm learning

alot about the operation of the camera. I can't seem to get the light

baffle to flip up while pressing the shutter release button. I do

this with the back removed, so that I can see the action. The

mirror flips, but the baffle does not move. Is there some test I can

do without wasting film that would assure me that the baffle is

working properly? Should I be able to see the baffle flip up

when the shutter release is engaged? If not, how can I know without

wasting film? Thanks for any help!

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Don't waste any film. The baffle is not working. It should follow the mirror up, even with no back and no lens in place.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if a very gentle push doesn't unstick the baffle, the body will need repair. Unless you bought it "as is," you should ask for a refund or for the seller to pay for the repair, which he'll have to do anyhow to sell it again.

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What's weird is that the light baffle does not move in the allotted space smoothly. It seems that if it did move when pushing the shutter release it would take a little effort to get it to flip up. Can anyone explain this to me? The baffle is supposed to be light sound, but should it be to the degree of there being friction as the baffle moves? Thanks in advance for any replies.
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