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Would this lens (80 mm Xenotar) make for a good wide angle?


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J. Abelson asked "I thought it might be for an MF camera - but the ad says it was used for 5x7 negs - how can one tell?"


Most of the people who sell photographic on eBay have no idea what they're selling. "Leinhoff" should have been a tipoff that squirrel_dog_95 was making it up.


If you'd checked the vendor's recent sales, you'd have seen one set of artist's paints, one lens, and 23 pieces of clothing. And if you'd done a web search on Xenotar, or even searched on photo.net, you'd have learned that it is a normal lens, not a wide angle. The 80/2.8 Xenotar was the alternative to the 80/2.8 Planar on good Rolleiflexes, also on Graflex XLs.


In short, you have to look out for yourself, not trust unknown people who are probably pretty ignorant.


This one wasn't as bad as it could have been. I've seen clueless idiots offer 75/4.5 Tominon macro lenses as wide angle lenses fit for use on 8x10 cameras. At least Xenotars are good lenses and can be resold if bought by mistake. You didn't buy it, did you?





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Sellers of LF lenses on ebay frequently don't even reach the level of "trust but verify". A better policy for buyers would be "ignore until independently verified". Ebay sellers of LF lenses frequently made ridiculous claims about coverage and coatings. It is routine to see lenses that were made before multicoating was invented described as being multicoated. Sometimes sellers will correct these mistakes after an email, sometimes they won't. Ebay sellers in general have a tendancy to abuse the word "rarity" -- this seller calls the 80 mm Xenotar "very rare".


There are some exceptional sellers who provide good information, such as Jim Galli of the previous answer.

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"I got a Xenotar for my century graphic. Interesting thing is that it does in fact cover 2x3 (barely)."


Um, er, ah, Darin, what do you mean by cover? "Illuminates the corners" or "the image is sharp in the corners?"


I ask because there's a lot of confusion about coverage floating around. Some posters here clearly mean "illuminates" even though most of us understand "covers" to mean "sharp in the corners." eBay sellers often use the loosest possible interpretation, if not looser than possible, as in the listing that sparked this thread.





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Always best to check the image circle of the lens you're interested in...Quang Tuan-Luong's <a href="http://largeformatphotography.info">Large Format website</a> has great info on 4x5 and other LF lenses, including coverage circle, which is an obviously important characteristic you'll want to know when buying a lens from eBay.


And I'll second the Jim Galli comment (hi Jim!), since I bought a 240mm lens from him that is exactly everything he advertised...Too bad more eBay LF sellers aren't like him.




<a href="http://coyoteimages.com">Coyote Images</a>

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