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Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n

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Anyone with experiences in landscape and nature photography with

Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n? A while back there was an interesting forum

thread about this camera which I initiated. I went ahead and got the

camera and I am quite happy with it so far. BTW despite all the talk

on forums about about noise, it is remarkably clean especially at 160

ISO and slower and Long (1 to 1/8 sec exposure) and Longer modes are

remarkable quality, detail, and low noise. They have their own noise

reduction technology. I do not need to use my Neat Image software on

these images. Camera body design could be better. Kodak Photo Desk

is well-designed and in RAW you can make virtually all adjustments

post-capture such as exposure, lighting, white point, etc. I then

use a PS workflow (levels, curves, USM) after that. 24x36 prints

(giclee and Fuji Crystal Archive) are sharp and detailed. I think it

is an excellent camera at the price point. I can not speak to the /c

model, no experience with it. I have only Nikon lenses. (No, I do

not have any connection with the Kodak company). Any feedback or tips

on this camera appreciated.

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I have the original 14N which has been upgraded with the new sensor, IR filter and firmware. It is much improved from the original.


I use this camera mainly in the studio but occasionally outside on location. I have a job coming up at the end of October which will be entirely outside so I'll probably have more to say then.


The only problem with this new version, that was also evident in the original camera, is the tendency for some magenta blooming in the highlights in one specific situation. That is when bright white sky shows through small leaves and branches in trees.


Other than that the new 14N is about as good as it gets.


I also agree that the lower ISO of 160 is exceptionally clean in the shadows and the long exposure modes work very well.

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